Aim To understand how autism can affect people and why we have Autism Awareness Week.
What Is Autism Awareness Week? 27th March – 2nd April is World Autism Awareness Week. Autism affects more than 1 in 100 people in the UK. This is more than 700 000 people. This also means that 2.8 million people have a relative affected by autism. 1 in 80 children in primary schools have an Autism Spectrum diagnosis.
What Is Autism Awareness Week? Autism Awareness Week is a time to come together and share understanding, knowledge and experiences of what autism is and how it affects people every day. It is a time when we should celebrate our differences, talents and skills.
What Is Autism? Has anybody heard the word ‘autism’ before? Does anyone know anything about autism? Autism is a lifelong, developmental difficulty that affects how a person communicates with others and how they can relate to other people. It affects how they experience the world around them and how they perceive others. People with autism can have sensory needs – they sometimes cannot tolerate certain noises, smells and textures.
How Do Our Brains Work Every Day? Who knows what our senses are? taste sight touch smell hearing
How Do Our Brains Work Every Day? Our brain collects information about the world around us all of the time. It gets that information from our senses – what we can see, hear, touch, taste and smell. When our brain has received this information, it works out what it all means and decides how we react to it. Of course, the messages are constantly changing around us. What might change as we move around, or might change around us?
What Is Autism? There might be different noises, colours, people and smells, all of which our brain responds to. Therefore, our brain adapts quickly to respond to all these changes. People with autism get all of this information too, but they can find this much information difficult to process. Sometimes, sounds that we might like or enjoy are difficult for them to listen to. This can make them feel uncomfortable or anxious. People with autism can also find materials, bright lights or certain smells uncomfortable and unpleasant.
What Is Autism? People with autism still see the world around them, but they can take in too much information, which can be distressing. However, they can be so interested in looking at one thing that they may not notice what else is going on around them. Autism can be thought of as a hidden disability as we cannot always see it, but still affects a person’s everyday life.
What Is the Autistic Spectrum? Autism is something called a spectrum condition. This means that although people with an autistic spectrum condition share some of the same difficulties, everybody with the condition is different. Therefore, some people might need a little bit of help and support, but others might need more help, just like we all do at times. What do you sometimes need help doing? What do you feel you are good at, and feel fine doing without support?
How Can Autism Affect People? Some people with autism say the world can feel overwhelming. This can cause them to feel anxious and worried. Some people with autism find it hard to communicate. They can find being in a group scary and joining in with games and group activities overwhelming. Often, a person with autism finds it hard to adapt to change around them. Sometimes people with autism find loud sounds and lots of unfamiliar people or crowds tricky to deal with.
There are lots of myths about autism. Here are just a few: Autism Myth: Autistic people don’t feel emotions. Fact: People with autism feel emotions just like everyone else. They often don’t have the social tools to respond to them in the same way. Autism Myth: All people with autism are good at art, maths and music. Fact: Some people with autism have extreme intellect or can be very talented in one particular area. However, not everyone on the autism spectrum has a special talent – everyone is different. Autism Myth: All autistic children go to special educational needs schools. Fact: Most autistic children go to mainstream schools; some may go to special schools which can give them more support.
Here are some more facts about autism. Routine can be very important to someone affected by autism. It can help them to feel in control in an overwhelming environment. Repetitive behaviour like rocking or tapping can help someone with autism feel more comfortable. Some autistic people are able to learn lots and lots about a topic they like. This could be anything!
How Can I Help? People with autism can be misunderstood. You can use these ideas to support people: Be caring if someone is having difficulty understanding. Stick to promises and plans. Explain quietly and calmly to others if they aren’t understanding. Don’t make jokes or tease people – someone with autism may not understand a joke and it can upset them. Be aware of any sensory sensitivities someone might have, Include children in games and explain all the rules clearly so that they know how to play and join in, Always ask a teacher or another adult if someone becomes distressed or upset.
You might want to watch this video about Rosie, who has autism. Rosie’s Story You might want to watch this video about Rosie, who has autism.