Treasurer Training
The Role of a Treasurer General financial oversight - Oversee and presents budgets, accounts & statements to your committee Financial planning and budgeting - Prepare and present budgets for new or ongoing work/advise in financial plans Financial reporting - Regular reports on your groups financial position Banking - Ensure that all money is counted and checked Book and record keeping - Ensure everyone handling money keeps proper records and documentation Fundraising - Ensure fundraising and sales are in line with the correct charities Control of equipment and stock - Ensure proper records are kept and up to date
Managing Accounts Due to audit requirements all finances must be operated and accounted for by FXU, this is to ensure transparency and accountability to your members and the entire student body. FXU is subject to an external audit on an annual basis and operates in accordance with Charities Commission Guidance: Internal Financial Controls for charities (CC8). Audits usually take place around the start of September, this means by the start of October we will have your opening balances ready and on your accounts. Affiliated clubs/societies/groups MAY NOT open external bank accounts or take out personal loans. All affiliated FXU clubs/societies/groups accounts are recorded separately within the FXU accounting system (SAGE). Accounts are set up to enable you to keep track of your club/societies/groups money.
Charity Status As FXU is a registered charity, FXU is unable to donate funds to other charities. All charity fundraising must be conducted and recorded through FXU RAD (Raising & Donating) to ensure all relevant legislation has been adhered to, so it can legally be paid forward to charities. When holding an event you must make it clear what you are raising money for. The funds raised must be used for that purpose. When handing the money in that you have raised please make it clear on your paperwork what charity the funds need to go to and any comments you wish to place when sending over the funds. FXU is currently not VAT Registered. Charity Number: 1145405
Sports Funding Criteria 2017/18 Sport Award Funding Sports Funding Criteria 2017/18 Item FXU % Contribution Affiliation (recognised National Governing Body) Up to 30% League entry and affiliation One-off competition entry Essential equipment (as deemed by FXU) Tuition/coaching/instructor 30% Non-competitive club instructor 15% Competition facility hire Up to 40% Training facility hire for clubs entered into a league Training facilities for non-competitive or clubs not entered into a competitive league Umpire/referee costs Up to 20% Transport competitions Transport non-competitive Weekly activity fee (at FXU's discretion) 10% When looking at your budgets you will need to make sure it is financially viable and your budget allocations are for needs rather than wants. We are limited to the amount we can give your clubs and societies due to the number of groups and the level of activity.
Societies Funding Criteria 2017/18 Society Award Funding Societies Funding Criteria 2017/18 Item FXU % Contribution Affiliation to governing organisation Up to 50% Competition entry Up to 40% Essential Equipment Tuition/coaching/music conductors Society specific training/workshops/conferences (Must meet soc’s aims and objectives) Guest speakers (Must meet soc’s aims & objectives) Transport (UK Only) Reprographics £40.00 When looking at your budgets you will need to make sure it is financially viable and your budget allocations are for needs rather than wants. We are limited to the amount we can give your clubs and societies due to the number of groups and the level of activity.
Student Led Volunteer Project Funding Student led volunteer projects do not gain income from membership fee as part of FXU’s commitment to try and make volunteering accessible to everyone. Income comes in the form of a £150 annual grant to support project activities. Initial Grant £150 grant given to new SLVP’s to assist with set up and establishing a presence. Keeping in line with charity law, funds can only be used to support student activities. When working in partnership with a charity we must make sure that none of this money is used directly to support the charity (eg. Purchasing goods for them). You must always approach partner charities to what support they can offer (merchandise, transport cost, equipment and marketing) If you need to purchase equipment for your activity, that kit will always belong to FXU. If your group folds that kit will come back to FXU
Student Led Volunteer Project Funding Future funding We have found that not all our groups need this funding (lots of support from partner charities or low cost activities) and that some groups require more to sustain their activities. After this year the £150 will only be given to new SLVP’s. We will still have the remaining money but it will sit in a pot and will be open to bid for when it is needed. To enforce operating like any other charity organisation would, All SLVP’s will need to use this year to collect evidence of their activities which can be used to seek additional sponsorship, grants and support to help sustain their projects. Kristy can offer support on how to gather this information or you can pop into her SLVP training session
Generating Income The most common ways you will generate income is the following: Memberships Weekly Fees Event Ticket sales There are more ways you can generate more income, these include the following: Fundraisers – Raze the Roof, Boat parties, Cakes Sales Donation Pages – Crowdfunding, My Donate, Just Giving Grants & Bursaries –Green Fund, Sleph, Step up, Exeter Annual Fund, National Governing Bodies Sponsorship – Local Businesses Sales of products or services – Advertising, performances
Memberships Most memberships will be paid through the FXU website on our online payment system. The sales from this system will be updated on your account within 10 days. Some memberships can be taken in the office if any of your members are experiencing problems with our online system. Standard memberships are for students and Associate memberships are for non students over the age of 18. Memberships open from the 2nd of October with the deadline the 13th of October – memberships will stay open but it is important if anyone is attending regularly to pay in this timeline so they are covered on your insurance.
Card Charges Sponsorship There is a 75p card charge with transactions on all purchase made through FXU, this is because FXU are charged for the use of the card machine. We do not make any money from this, the cost covers the cost given to us. There is additional information on our website that can help you with dealing with sponsorship, this includes draft contracts, you can look at these by following the link below: Please also come in and speak to your relevant manager If you require help or guidance, we are here to support you. Sponsorship
Payment IN Clubs/Socities Paying Money In If you need to pay in your weekly sessions money, fundraising or anything else you can do this by completing a payment in form. Payment IN Clubs/Socities Name: Club/Soc/Group: Date: Description Dates: Amount (£): Total Amount (£): Amount Paid In: Cash (£): Cheque (£) To be completed by authorised representatives of the club/soc/group. We hereby confirm that all monies collected and due to FXU are being handed over. We confirm that in the case of subs a register was taken and all monies collected: Name & Signature (1) Name & Signature (2) For Office Use Date Banked: Bank Account: Activities Bank Ref: Sage: Yes No Baked By: Signature: This is available in the office and on our website on the following link: We have a payment in form for clubs and societies and a payment in form for RAD.
Reimbursement of Expenses From the Activities Account Reimbursement Claims Reimbursement of Expenses From the Activities Account Name: Club/Soc/Group: Date: Contact No/Email: Details of Claim: Description Dates: Amount (£): Total Amount Claimed (£): Authorised by Treasurer: Received: Payment Type: BACS / Cash (£5.00 OR UNDER FOR PCASH) BACS: Account Numner (8 Digets) __________________________ Sort Code: ____/____/____ Name on Account: _____________________________________ When handing your claim in please make sure that the form is completed with the following: Receipts/proof of purchase Claims will need to be signed off by 2 committee members Bank details need to present and correct sort code 00-00-00 and bank account number (8 digits) Payments can take up to 10 working days to be paid and will show on bank statements as FXU. Payments will be paid by BACS if it is over £5.00 anything under can be requested as petty cash. This form can be found on the website:
Making a Purchase When you are looking at making purchases for equipment/kit etc there a few important things to do as follows: Aim for 2-3 quotes to ensure you have the best deal Make sure you check the quote includes VAT and delivery charges Always check the small print If at any point you are unsure or just need a hand ask the FXU staff for assistance we will be happy to help. FXU have good working relationships with a number of companies and suppliers so we can often get you some good deals or recommend places. Please inform us of any purchases you wish to make with at least 10 days notice. Please send links if you are purchasing items from stores online along with quantities/sizes/colours and if it is kit/clothes please send the image needed if applicable.
Sponsorship and Service Charges Sponsorship and service charges can be done through out the year at your request. To receive the money from this FXU will send out an invoice for your club/society/group, once you have agreed with a company what sponsorship or service charge you will be given please email or drop in and see us the following details: Example Name: Tree Tops Address: Unit 5a Jungle Industrial Estate, Penryn, TR1 3PH Contact: Ilene Monkey, 01326 259456, Description: Sponsorship 2017 for monkey business Cost: £900.00 An invoice will then be sent over to the company and chased by me for payment, once we receive payment you will be able to see this in your accounts.
Statements FXU Nominal Activity N/C: 4157 Name: Team Monkey Income No Type Date Account Ref Details Dept T/C Value Debit Credit 64569 JC 01/08/2016 1237 OPJA 2016/17 OPJA 12 T2 £ 300.00 £ 300.00 64749 BR 26/09/2016 CARD Membership £ 50.00 £ 50.00 64894 27/09/2016 111209 Sessions £ 75.00 £ 75.00 65093 PI 30/09/2016 BACS Sponsorship £ 600.00 £ 600.00 65094 01/11/2016 Event £ 15.00 £ 15.00 TOTALS £1,040.00 N/C: 7157 Name: Team Monkey Costs 65692 BP Kit T9 £ 60.00 £ 60.00 68978 JD 12/12/2016 Insurance Insurance Contribution £ 25.00 £ 25.00 68979 01/01/2017 FXP 647154 Hire of Hall £ 180.00 £ 180.00 63956 14 £ 120.00 £ 120.00 70412 06/01/2017 Card Stacey Bray Expenses £ 90.00 £ 90.00 £ 475.00 FXU AWARD TOTAL £ 355.00 Account Balance £685.00 as of 31/07/2017 This is what you will expect to see on your statement, statements are issued on request and sent out termly. You can see the income you have generated so far against the costs. FXU Award funding will always be highlighted on your statement and taken away from your final costs. Your account balance will be shown clearly in red at the bottom of your statement. Please always check through your statement and inform us straight away if you feel there are discrepancies. Statements are issued on your request, please do not hesitate to contact me to ask for a statement and I will get one to you as soon as I can.
Recording Weekly Sessions Attendance Term 1 20116/17 Club: Elephant Polo Price per session: £3 Date Total Joe Bloggs 3 30 John Smith 6 21 Betty Stoggs 9 27 Rose Pannell-Hitchens Hetty Minibus 24 Ernie Minibus GUS David Beckham Total for week 15 207 Key owe attended but did not pay (add to day they paid) did not attend one session It is very important to keep a detailed record of your attendees and money passed between you. Money from your weekly session will need to be handed in weekly in order for us to keep your statements accurate and up to date. When handing in your money please can you also hand in your attendance sheets.
Claiming Fuel Expenses Fuel expenses for using a personal car on the behalf of a sports club/society/group can be claimed directly from FXU, this can be up to 40p per mile for the first 100 miles and 27p thereafter dependent on what has been agreed by your committee. To complete the mileage please do so on an expenses form with the total amount of miles and the pence per mile approved. To claim your mileage this must be beyond a 6 mile radius from Penryn, Falmouth or Truro Campus when there are 3 or more club members in the vehicle.
Minibus Fuel Contribution Minibus Training Minibus training can be carried out with FXU for members of your club/soc/group. To carry out the training you must have the following: 21 or over Held a driving licence for 2 years Drive regularly The costs of minibus training is £50.00 this needs to be paid upfront to confirm your booking. This can be refunded by the club/society or group for each delegate they choose to send onto the course. For more information or to be added to the waiting list please email: Minibus Fuel Contribution Clubs/Societies and groups are expected to pay a fuel contribution at the end of each term. Your mileage needs to be recorded by you and passed back to us at FXU, this is then recorded on our system and counted at the end of each term. 40p a mile will be charged to your club/society/group.
Event Budgeting When holding an event budgeting is the most important thing to look at. Costs are the first thing you look at, once costs have been looked at we can then work out the price for your tickets and club/society/group contribution (if any). DESCRIPTION CALCULATION INCOME EXPENDITURE Boat Deposit £150.00 DJ £50.00 Remainder for Boat hire £200.00 Ticket sales £7 per ticket x 30 tickets £210.00 Society contribution £190.00 TOTAL £400.00 Income-Expenditure For any help with your event planning please contact
Inventory K Block and Storage With all old and new equipment bought for your club/society/group it is important to keep an inventory, equipment is checked in and out of every term by FXU. Equipment is a cost to you and FXU so it is important to keep an updated list and the condition of equipment. This is an asset to your club/society/group. K Block and Storage With your equipment being an asset to your club/society/group it is important to look after it and keep it in the best possible condition. If you are storing your equipment at FXU or in K Block we ask that you keep this tidy and in a clean condition. Both storage areas are racked out and will be checked on a weekly basis. A fine of £10.00 will be introduced if your club/society/group repeatedly leave your equipment in a unsafe and untidy state. Please inform FXU of where your equipment will be stored if it is not based with us for insurance purposes.
Extra Information BACS Payments: This is the method we use to make most payments on your behalf. If you have arranged for a company/individual to pay money to your club/society/group by BACS please let is know the amount and date you expect to receive the funds so we can ensure we allocate the payment correctly. Floats: Please give FXU at least 5 days notice if you require a float, this gives us enough time to get the cash ready for you. FXU can issue you a lockable cash tin with your float if it is needed. Cancellations: Please ensure any cancellations are done in advance to prevent being charged (facilities usually require a minimum of 7 days notice) International Payments: International payments can take up to 10 working days to go through via the bank, when making an international payment there is a charge from the bank itself of £20.00 this will be an extra cost on your accounts.
Account in Deficit Should you account go into deficit the following will happen: The account will automatically be frozen No further transaction will be allowed to go ahead You as a committee will be contacted and will be required to come in and sit us to work out the best possible way to get you back in the positive. FXU will support you in all the ways we possibly can to resolve the issue, we can work out a repayment plan together.
FXU Contacts Activities Director & Deputy CEO: Hanna Brixton President Student Experience: Jamal Clarke President Community & Welfare: Harry Bishop Sports Manager: Hayley Curtis Societies Administrator: Rosie Lea (Covering Rose Hitchens-Todd) Volunteering & Rad Manager: Activities Coordinator: Frances Ellison Activities Design & Marketing Coordinator: Emma Farley Activities Administrator (Finance): Stacey Bray
Any Questions???
Why Crowdfunding? Raise funds to get your project started effectively—get support and training to promote your idea Engage with your community—the student body and beyond, build your crowd Increasing employability- entrepreneurial skills, planning, marketing, networking, teamwork, financing, use of social media
Or drop into the FXU office to start your crowdfunding project Contact Details Or drop into the FXU office to start your crowdfunding project