The Institutional Management System with Integrated Accounting Welcome to e-smart The Institutional Management System with Integrated Accounting
User Authentication and Financial Year selection Login Authentication User Authentication and Financial Year selection
School Details School Details like Name, Address & Phone No
Student Master In formations
Student search by class & Name
Student fee master setting Student fee Master setting for each Term as per class
Fee setting for each student from Master
Vehicle route Master for Student Transportation vehicles
Setting vehicle fee for each route & stage Route fee setting Setting vehicle fee for each route & stage
Setting vehicle fee as per route & stage for each month / term Vehicle Fee Setting Setting vehicle fee as per route & stage for each month / term
Fee Collection Fee Collection screen
Reports Available Reports Like student list classwise, routewise etc, fee collection reports
General expense entry like office expense, salary etc
Income / Receipts entry. Income Entry Income / Receipts entry.
Thanks Only main options mentioned in presentation Options like sms, detailed reports not included Details Accounts reports like Daybook, Cashbook etc are not included Library option, Inventory Management (Store) options not included in presentation