What will I learn in eighth grade art? I can describe how the choices of the tools/technologies and processes used to create specific effects in the arts (SG26.B.3) I can demonstrate the knowledge and skills to create 2D, 3D, and time art that are realistic, abstract, functional, and decorative. (SG26.B.3d) I can describe how artists and their works shape culture and increase understanding of societies, past and present. (SG27.B.3) Elements Color Value Line Shape Space Form Texture Principles Balance Contrast Movement Rhythm Pattern Emphasis Unity Composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art, as distinct from the subject of a work. 8th Grade Art Vocabulary I can compare and contrast how the arts function in ceremony, technology, politics, communication, and entertainment. (SG27.A.3B) Craftsmanship Realistic One-point Perspective Positive and Two-point Perspective Negative Space Atmospheric Perspective Geometric Foreground Organic Middle Ground Score Background Burnish Horizon Line Proportion Paralell Lines Mood Symmetry Tone Overlap Function Optical Illusion ZSilhouette Vanishing Point entangle Orthogonal Line Photorealism Primary Colors Analyze Secondary Colors Context Tertiary Colors Cubism Analogous Impressionism Monochromatic Post Impressionism Hue Modern Warm and Cool Colors Post Modern Composition Surrealism Abstract Degenerate I can draw using a grid I can draw using value and shading I can draw using two-point perspective I can discuss color theory
Welcome 8th Grade Art Class ! Best, Mrs. Richardson August 23, 2017 Greetings Parents and 7th Graders, My name is Suzanne Richardson, and I am the new art teacher at Huth Middle School! I am so excited about the new school year, and I have lots of awesome projects planned for this year! I cannot wait to meet you and have a fantastic time being creative and learning about art together! Please feel free to contact me with any questions at srichardson@sd162.org or by phone at (708) 748-0470. Attached please read over the class syllabus and expectations, and then sign and return this sheet to me by Monday 9/4. Thank you! Parent Signature:___________________________________________________________________ Please sign below that you have read the classroom expectations: Student Signature: _________________________________________________________________ Please provide preferred email and contact information: Parent email: ________________________________________ Preferred phone number: ______________________________ Best, Mrs. Richardson
Eighth Grade Art Syllabus and Classroom Expectations Class Description This class will introduce the concepts of the elements and principles of art and how they apply to composition. You will be introduced to art vocabulary and terms that will expand your knowledge and understanding of art making. In addition, we will study important artists and art movements throughout history that reflect upon society, politics and creative expression. You will learn how to critique and analyze art work and become a competent visual communicator. Each project is divided into 5 parts: understanding of concepts, craftsmanship, creativity, class participation and handing your project in on time. Group discussions will be factored into your participation, as well as using your time wisely to put thoughtful work into your art projects. Rubrics are used for each project, and your use of class time and behavior is factored into your grade. Formative assessments are sometimes given via exit slips or group critiques and discussions. All projects may be kept indefinitely--this allows for time to photograph your work and upload it Artsonia.com, prepare it for any school art displays, district shows, or any other art shows that may be coming up. They will be returned to you by the end of the quarter or year. Attendance to class is very important, because I do not give homework and it can be very difficult to work on your art project at home. If you are absent, please speak to me when you return so that we can come up with a plan to get you caught up. Class Expectations Please remember that Every Student has the right to be RESPECTED, to be SAFE, and to LEARN! Please enter the classroom quietly and before the bell rings, and then look for the daily prompt. Please exit the classroom only after doing your part to clean up. Everyone will be expected to help put materials away, pick up stuff up off of the floor, wash brushes, wipe down tables, etc. I will let you know when it’s time to stop working and start cleaning up Please remember that art materials are to be used wisely. Always think of the three Rs: Reduce Reuse Recycle. Please don’t damage your art work or the art work of others. Please avoid wasting paint, paper, etc. Please always follow directions to ensure your safety. Please keep the art room and art supplies clean and organized. Follow instructions given on care and cleaning of art materials. Please remember that your cell phone is not to be brought to class under any circumstance. Please note that all Huth Middle School rules as listed in the Parent-Student Handbook apply in art class, and any infractions will result in a warning or immediate parent notification, possible referral, and parent-team conference.