Welcome to Back to School Night!
Introduction I grew up in Escondido. I went to college at Cal State San Marcos. I have an eight year old daughter, Mckenna, and a four year old daughter, Bailee. I began teaching in 2004 and have worked at LCM and TOES. I am passionate about teaching and feel blessed to have such a rewarding career.
Welcome to 5th Grade! With so much curriculum to cover, we have a busy schedule! Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:45-9:00 Opening Opening/ Flag Salute 9:00-10:00 ELA PE MUSIC/ELA 10:00-11:10 MATH 11:10-11:30 Recess 11:30-11:45 Read Aloud 11:45-12:50: Reading Rotations ELA-Whole Group 12:50-1::35 Lunch 1:35-2:10 Writing 2:15-3:05 Social Studies/Science *Library (2:40-3:10) S. Studies/Science *Art/Science Garden (2:30-3:10) Early Release Pack up & Dismissal 2:10 S. Studies/ Science 3:05-3:10 Pack up & Dismissal 3:10
I am a big believer in POSITIVE reinforcement! Classroom Management I am a big believer in POSITIVE reinforcement! I am always looking for students doing the right thing! However, if a student continues to make the wrong choices after a warning, they will have to sign the behavior book with a loss of recess time, time in buddy class, or time outside. (note home) If the behavior continues, the student will need to go to responsibility room and complete a reflection form.
Class Dojo Excellent tool to assist with classroom management. Helps keep track of positive and negative behaviors. Parents can have access to their child’s information EACH DAY! Students can create a log-in, design their own avatar, and keep track of their progress. http://www.classdojo.com
Always do the right thing, Living the Dolphin Way Be Safe Be Responsible Be Respectful Always do the right thing, even when no one is looking!
7 Habits of Happy Kids Habit 1: Be Proactive I am a responsible person. I take initiative. I choose my actions, attitudes, and moods. I do not blame others for my wrong actions. I do the right thing without being asked, even when no one is looking. Habit 2: Begin With the End In Mind I plan ahead and set goals. I do things that have meaning and make a difference. I am an important part of my classroom and contribute to my school’s mission and vision. Habit 3: Put First things First I spend my time on things that are most important. This means I say no to things I know I should not do. I set priorities, make a schedule, and achieve my goals. I am disciplined and organized. Habit 4: Think Win-Win I balance courage for getting what I want with consideration for what others want. I make deposits in others’ emotional bank accounts. When conflicts arise, I look for third alternatives. I look for ways to be a good citizen. Habit 5: Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood I listen to other people’s ideas and feelings. I try to see things from their viewpoints. I listen to others without interrupting. I am confident and in voicing my ideas. I look people in the eyes when talking. Habit 6: Synergize I value other people’s strengths and learn from them. I work well in groups, even with people who are different from me. I seek out other people’s ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than any one of us alone. I am humble. Habit 7: Sharpen The Saw I take care of my body by eating right and exercising, and getting sleep. I spend time with family and friends. I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school. I take time to find meaningful ways to help others.
Classroom Economy Students will be held responsible for a number of things in room 42. As a reward and motivation, students will be “paid” for the doing the following things: ∙ a weekly job ∙ being a table captain ∙ top Dojo performer ∙ Showing the Dolphin Way!
Points Recorder $5.00/week Room 42Jobs Librarian $10.00/week *Collects and returns library books to the library in the morning *Keeps our Classroom Library neat and organized *Keeps the Library Checkout Book at his/her desk Executive Assistant *Helps teacher with passing out and $20.00/week collecting papers *Organizes lunch cards *Takes paperwork to the office *Assists with teaching/projects when needed Treasurer $15.00/week *Pays students for various reasons when asked by teacher *Exchanges Sanchez Dollars when the Coupon Store is open *Pays the weekly salary to the students who have a class job Table Captains (1/table group) $10.00/week *Checks that all table group members have all homework assignments *Records complete and missing homework assignments *Collects team members’ papers and puts them in number order *Keeps table crate/pencil cup near chair to pass out materials Points Recorder $5.00/week *Records class/table group points when asked by the teacher *Tallies the class/table points at the end of each week and gives a report Supply Manager $10.00/week *Sharpens pencils in the bucket when needed *Checks on paper supply on shelves and restocks when *Keeps all supply areas neat and organized
Homework Homework will be given each Monday-Thursday. All assignments will be given for the purpose to reinforce what we are learning in class. Homework should NOT take more than 30 minutes plus additional time for independent reading. If your child is spending more than this amount of time on his/her homework, please contact us via email or phone call. A note from you explaining why homework is incomplete will prevent your child from being penalized. Please check your child’s assignment notebook nightly. This is another great tool for communicating with me. I would like you to please sign the assignment notebook each day during the week.
3 Point Response Write a complete sentence with a capital letter and a period. Use words from the question in your answer. Include evidence to support your answer. Example Question: What is your favorite color? Response: My favorite color is yellow because it is bright and cheerful.
Teamwork ∙ Newsletters ∙ Emails ∙ Phone calls (positive too!) I am looking forward to a fun and successful year! I believe that it takes teamwork to accomplish this! This year I will be communicating with all room 42 families through the following things: ∙ Newsletters ∙ Emails ∙ Phone calls (positive too!) ∙ Dolphin Envelopes Website: http://mrsjennifersanchez.weebly.com
LCM College Days College Wednesdays-wear college t-shirt or colors Focus on what it means to be college ready Talk about different colleges and what is unique about each one Getting students excited about going to college!
Birthday Celebrations While I LOVE celebrating birthdays, we have a strict Wellness Policy that does not include treats for students. Please be considerate of this when it is your child’s birthday! Some options besides food include: birthday book donation (to LCM’s library or our class library) pencils
https://youtu.be/Bg4E_f0JVo4 We Love Our PTO!!! Please support our hard working, generous PTO as they support all of us! https://youtu.be/Bg4E_f0JVo4
Classroom Art Support Classroom Art Support (CAS): The classroom art support volunteer (or volunteers) helps Mrs. Foley with art preparation and clean up, and assists Mrs. Foley during art lessons. The CAS volunteer (or volunteers) will need to commit to being in the classroom 15 minutes prior to the scheduled art time to prepare the classroom for art, and may have to stay a few minutes after the scheduled art time to clean up. The CAS volunteer is not responsible for teaching or preparing art lessons. Art Aide Coordinator (AAC): The Art Aide Coordinator (or coordinators) is responsible for coordinating with the classroom teacher to schedule art lessons throughout the school year. These lessons are separate from the lessons taught by Mrs. Foley. The AAC will need to plan, prepare and teach art lessons. The AAC is responsible for teaching the art lesson that will be used for the Silver Graphics Art Fundraiser. If the classroom teacher would like to create art for the Halloween Carnival, then the AAC would help and assist with this art project as well.
Have some extra time? Interested in Volunteering? Please take a minute to check out my volunteer sign up sheets. Feel free to email me with any questions about this!