Altmetrics: A new role for library and information professionals Image CC BY mkhmarketing
What is Altmetrics? A new way to communicate research A new way to measure that research Measures research we ignore - datasets etc Goes beyond who is looking at your paper, but where they are and what they are doing with it
The research process Measure and discuss the research Have an idea Search for research Publish and disseminate the research Filter and review the research
The research process and you LIS Professionals experts in measurement, bibliometrics, work in neutral role LIS Professionals host, catalogue and search published research Measure and discuss the research Have an idea Search for research Publish and disseminate the research Filter and review the research LIS Professionals experts in publishing and communication. OA, Social Media, blogging LIS Professionals carry out systematic and literature reviews from search results
Do you use any of these?
And these?
Do you recognise these?
Searching Appraising Filtering Impartial Flexible Helpful Networked Centrally based Indexing Communications Technologist Bibliometrics Social Media
What you can do Understand Demystify Train Practice what you preach Build a case
#Understand Their way of working - long periods doing the same thing Their concerns Pressure to publish research Their fears May not be used to Social Media or technology for that matter How busy they are What they can get out of Altmetrics and what you can do to help them Image CC BY Glen Edelson
#Demystify Explain that Altmetrics are not about Justin Bieber’s Tweets to his Beliebers That using tools like Altmetrics, Mendeley, Twitter and ImpactStory will show them where their research is reaching globally Help build case studies to show what is out there Show junior researchers and students that their research and profile will benefit Image CC BY Sarah
#Train Bite size sessions Image CC BY Sarah Workshops Video tutorials Webinars Hangouts Image CC BY Sarah Image CC BY Michael Young
The ScHARR HEDS Case Study
Social Media/Altmetric Case study Took over Chair of our Communications and Impact (CIG) group in Feb 2014 Wanted to get more staff using social tools to improve research impact and engagement Staff want EVIDENCE that it works Image by: West Midlands Police: used via CC BY-SA 2.0
Project! Agreed to develop a small group of staff who were not currently using social media to promote their research Gave training in Twitter Regular emails to inform and encourage Curated Twitter List to monitor their activities
Results! All of them are now tweeting at least once per fortnight All have gained 30+ followers Some are much more active, writing own tweets, MT-ing, etc. But! Lots of them just retweet :0( But then again, its early days :0) ...Next, I begged, borrowed and stole their PPTs and Posters...
Slideshare! do a companion, comparative study on Slideshare Slides of posters and conference PPTs currently on web pages also uploaded to SlideShare Half tweeted, half not Compared views for each half of ‘trial’
Results! All slides/posters have had over 35 views in 5 months 70% have over 100 Tweeted ones have average of 166 views Non-Tweeted ones have average of 55 views So these things work in tandem with each other! MICHELLE PORUCZNIK ANIMATED GIF SOURCE:
In summary LIS Professionals are fluent in… Using Social Media and Web 2.0 tools Measuring quality Understanding databases Communicating across wide audiences Working with academics and students
In summary - pep talk You have a diverse set of skills - Don’t hide your light under a bushel This is an area waiting to explore - LIS professionals are explorers Altmetrics are just part of the jigsaw - Lot’s of opportunities to engage
@andy_tattersall @beakybeecroft