April 25- April 29 Spanish 2
Para Empezar: 25 de abril Write down 5 sentences in English to explain the event described in the article.
TAREA: Due TODAY!! Go to quizlet and find the 32 words you must know for your quiz next TUESDAY! Combine any two words from the list to write coherent sentences- make sure you use each word. (16 sentences TOTAL). UNDERLINE your key words!!
Una batalla por el título: de “-----” Imagine that you have been asked to come up with a contest for a new tv show in Spanish. 1-Write down the title for the tv show 2- Requisitos(requirements): Write down clear requirements for the tv show participants. 3. Talento(talents)- what talent(s) will be showcased? 4. Preguntas de la entrevista(4 interview questions for each participant) 5. Jueces (Judges)(pick 5 people from the class explain why they will be good judges) El/la presentador(a)-one person explain why Premio(award)- what will the winner receive?
Para Empezar: 26 de abril write down the vocabulary
A conjugar!!- Turn in TODAY!!! mentir pedir preferir divertirse sentirse competir despedirse sonreir repetir seguir servir vestirse reir dormir morir Conjugate all the –ir ending verbs then write one sentence with each verb. Use a key vocabulary word in each sentence.
Para Empezar: 27 de abril Write down a complete sentence to explain when you feel the following way: Example: Me asusto cuando veo peliculas de terror
Vocabulary Quiz 6A spelling counts and proper use of articles.
Other Reflexive Verbs
The subject is still receiving the action but there is a cause or a reason for the action.
28 de abril: Thursday’s work Today you will use the irregular preterite tense verbs to create a timeline on the most important program airings in tv history. 1. First look at the provided-completed timeline(the next slide) in one or two sentences explain each TV show presented per year. Then create your own tv timeline-follow instructions given in the slide. You will have tarea: pg. 303 ex. 14
¿Qué pasó?
Eventos importantes en la television cont. Create your own timeline to showcase the beginning or airing of 10 tv shows, sports events, or movies. Make sure you have an image per show/movie/event. Also write a complete sentence about each program in SPANISH!! Example: El 4 de octubre de 1990, empezó el programa llamado “Beverly Hills 90210” sobre un grupo de jovenes en la escuela secundaria.
Tarea: pg. 303 ex. 14
Para Empezar: 29 de abril
Las Telenovelas A Telenovela is like a Soap Opera in Spanish Most popular form of TV entertainment in Spanish-speaking countries A couple differences between Soap Operas and Telenovelas Shown all of the time (Not just during the day) **PRIME time novelas are aired at 9pm-these are said to be the good novelas. Set number of episodes Most famous actors in the country appear as leading actors in telenovelas
What is the difference between telenovelas and soap operas What is the difference between telenovelas and soap operas?- video cultura http://www.latintimes.com/telenovelas-vs-soap-operas-watch-rafael-amaya-aaron-diaz-explain-differences-today-show-206889 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ykxz0oJDFk&feature=relmfu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGJAUnNzbhE Estas telenovelas mexicanas(a very dramatic tv episode) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOPiF7PN_6o After each video write 2 key things, in complete sentences, that stood out for you about the clip. (opinions/thoughts/ideas-in English)
En parejas With a partner look online and search up a Spanish telenovela In a separate paper write down: a.) Title of telenovela b.) when and where it aired first c.) Synopsis of the storyline- Tell me the category this telenovela falls under (English) d.) Stereotypes of the telenovela (Spanish/English)