Colorado Geographic Alliance Self-Selected Survey Summary Results November 2008 – July 2009 190 surveys completed
Information about Respondents Respondents are primarily secondary teachers from large districts along the Front Range with under five years of experience specializing in social studies. Few have incorporated National Geographic Society programs into the classroom. Concerns include regarding lack of focus on geography in the classroom and connecting geographic knowledge to current issues and events. Professional development needs revolve around curricula, resources, and training. Significant support and enthusiasm exists for the work of the Colorado Geographic Alliance.
Opportunities Ahead Expand opportunities to teachers in districts beyond the Front Range. Incorporate geographic teaching into existing curriculum and through other subjects. Focus on creating professional development programs, developing curricular resources, and advocating for geography with local and state educational entities. Facilitate communication at workshops and through the newsletter and web resources.
How would you describe your interaction and work regarding geography (please check as many as apply)?
If you work for a Colorado school district, please name it here. Number Percent Academy 20 8 6.1% Adams 12 2 1.5% Boulder Valley 5 3.8% Brighton 1 0.8% Canon City Cherry Creek 24 18.2% Cheyenne Mountain Colorado Springs 11 30 22.7% Denver County 13 9.8% East Otero Eaton Fountain Fowler Greeley Harrison School District Number Percent Jefferson County 12 9.1% Julesberg 1 0.8% Lewis-Palmer Littleton 2 1.5% Manitou Springs Mesa County Valley Norwood Estes Park Poudre Pueblo City St. Vrain 10 7.6% Steamboat Springs Thompson Westminster Widefield
Are you retired?
If you are not retired, how many years of experience have you had in your present position?
What is the best way to share information with you about COGA activities and programs?
Have you used or participated in any of the following National Geographic Society programs in the past three years? Please check all that apply.
Does your school or district reimburse you for continuing education or graduate credit expenses? Do you believe it is important for COGA to offer graduate credit for a workshop?
What is a reasonable/ comparable cost for one graduate credit? What are the best times of year for workshops or seminars?
What topics would you like to have covered in professional development programs/courses? Please check all in which you are interested.
Please describe an “ideal” professional development activity. First - not being lectured at for two-plus hours. Provide participants with material before the activity - let us become familiar with the background information - then have real teachers (with real classrooms) demonstrate different ways to teach the material. Most of the people taking a class like this want to be there in the first place - but what we want are strategies, ideas, and materials. Please don't try to sell us anything (we're teachers and have no money) and please don't just lecture at us. Standards 6 Content 10 Hands-on 11
Relevant information, time to collaborate and plan, take home lessons I can use tomorrow, and materials such as maps, almanacs, updated globes Academically rigorous and in-depth with experiential component (e.g. field trip, lab experiments) Focused setting that may be followed up over a year through online interaction. A cross-section of K-12 teachers. Group activity and discussion as well as time for break out sessions with the whole group coming back together. The topic should invoke lots of excitement! Something that gives you hope and joy in your profession. Smart, funny people and concrete ways to help you teach.
What formats would you prefer for workshops?
Where would you prefer professional development programs be delivered?
What topics would you like to have covered in professional development programs? Incorporating geography lessons into current event lessons 58% Providing perspectives on globalization Aligning geography instruction with social studies and science standards 53% Incorporating geography into literacy 51% Using geographic information technology at the secondary school level 48% Developing a lesson plan on a particular topic 44% Developing a lesson plan based on a particular region 39% Creating an assessment for geographic understanding at the secondary school level 35% Incorporating geography into math 28% Using geographic information technology at the elementary school level 26% Creating an assessment for geographic understanding at the elementary school level 16% Other (content) 5%
What “take home” resources do you need to become a better teacher of geography? Lesson plans for incorporating geography in other subjects 60% Software to incorporate technology into the classroom 56% Maps 55% Books incorporating geography into literacy programs 44% Globes 31% Access to and knowledge of how to interpret environmental reports Hardware to incorporate technology into the classroom 29% Other (technology) 4%
What services could you provide for COGA in the area of professional development? Spread the word about COGA programs to others 74% Develop and share an online lesson plan 35% Speak on a particular topic 31% Lead a workshop Plan a workshop 30% Host a workshop in your school or district Act as liaison for a school district Other (variety) 2%
What resources can you or your organization provide in collaboration with COGA?
What COGA services are most important to you?
How would you prefer that COGA facilitate collaboration?
Other ideas to facilitate collaboration A region[al] list of people. I am in a small district and I would like to get together with people from Boulder, Longmont, Loveland. Personal conversations/meetings Also wikis and blogs Not sure Get on the agenda for the annual meetings of school administrators and CASB and “sell geo ed” while remembering the competition for curricular space. Maybe COGA could work with our District's Curriculum Coordinator(?) and create grade level in-services/workshops, using our district's science and social studies curriculum to experience and plan valid/do-able lesson plans incorporating geography concepts. Website! Facebook group
How will you help spread the word about COGA’s work How will you help spread the word about COGA’s work? Do you have any additional comments you would like to share? I talk about COGA all the time with other teachers. I think word of mouth is a great tool. But I think more people would know about COGA if there were more classes and programs (try those free "ready-to-print & teach" lesson plans -- teachers love free stuff, and they are REALLY busy so "ready-to-print & teach" are powerful and amazing things.)
I always advocate the value of geographic education I always advocate the value of geographic education. But with a demanding school and family schedule it is hard to find the time to broaden my teaching and perspectives - though I know I need to. I would be happy to share any info I receive with the members of my department. I will pass on relevant information to the staff of the elementary school where I teach including content info, info concerning upcoming workshops and seminars, grant opportunities. I am also willing to share information I gain from attending workshops and seminars. I will advocate for keeping geography in the curriculum in my school district.