Place Value and Decimals Lesson 1
Times tables Bingo Draw the grid on your whiteboards and write in 6 answers to your 10 times tables. Miss will call out questions and cross off the answers you have written. The winner is the first person with all their numbers crossed out. 40 20 60 50 110
L.O.: Multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100 I can read, write and compare decimal numbers I can add to a 1-place decimal to get to the next whole number. I can multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100.
Multiplying by 10
To multiply by 10 all the digits move one space to the left. Thousands Hundreds Tens Units Tenths Hundredths 4 3 9 3 9 To multiply by 10 all the digits move one space to the left.
6 8 9 8 9 To multiply by 10 all the digits move one space to the left. Thousands Hundreds Tens Units Tenths Hundredths 6 8 9 8 9 To multiply by 10 all the digits move one space to the left. Remember to put in your place holder (zero).
L.O.: Multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100 Try these on your whiteboard 3x10 67x10 1.2X10 3.78X10 Draw the place value grid H T U TTH HTH
Multiplying by 100
To multiply by 100 all the digits move two spaces to the left. Thousands Hundreds Tens Units Tenths Hundredths 1 9 5 To multiply by 100 all the digits move two spaces to the left.
To multiply by 100 all the digits move two spaces to the left. Thousands Hundreds Tens Units Tenths Hundredths 6 4 6 4 To multiply by 100 all the digits move two spaces to the left.
L.O.: Multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100 Try these on your whiteboard 6x100 27x100 4.5X100 1.23X100 Draw the place value grid H T U TTH HTH
Division by 10
To divide by 10 all the digits move one space to the right. Thousands Hundreds Tens Units Tenths Hundredths 7 5 5 7 5 5 To divide by 10 all the digits move one space to the right.
To divide by 10 all the digits move one space to the right. Thousands Hundreds Tens Units Tenths Hundredths 2 1 1 2 1 1 To divide by 10 all the digits move one space to the right.
L.O.: Multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100 Try these on your whiteboard 8÷10 33÷10 5.9÷10 4.6÷10 Draw the place value grid H T U TTH HTH
Division by 100
To divide by 100 all the digits move two spaces to the right. Thousands Hundreds Tens Units Tenths Hundredths 8 9 8 9 To divide by 100 all the digits move two spaces to the right.
6 6 To divide by 100 all the digits move two spaces to the right. Thousands Hundreds Tens Units Tenths Hundredths 6 6 To divide by 100 all the digits move two spaces to the right. Remember to put in your place holder (zero).
L.O.: Multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100 Try these on your whiteboard 7÷100 93÷100 2÷100 384÷100 Draw the place value grid H T U TTH HTH
L.O.: Multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100 What do we add to 25 to bring it up to 30? +5 25 30 What do we need to add to 2.5 to bring it to the next whole number? 2.5 3.0
L.O.: Multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100 What do we need to add to these to bring them to the next whole number? 1.2 3.5 1.35 6.75
L.O.: Multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100 Complete your worksheet multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. What will you add to the decimals to get to the next whole number?
L.O.: Multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100
Decimals and Numberlines Lesson 2 Decimals and Numberlines
L.O.: To place decimals on a number line. Number line tool 4.22.5a Can you label the tenths on the number line? Where would the hundredths go?
L.O.: To mark decimals on a line understanding that these represent parts of numbers. I can place decimals on a number line. I can read, write and compare decimal numbers to two places. I understand that decimals are parts of whole numbers.
What is the value of each digit in 6.25? L.O.: To mark decimals on a line understanding that these represent parts of numbers. What is the value of each digit in 6.25? H T U TTH HTH
What does 6.25 look like? Screen 4.22.2b L.O.: To mark decimals on a line understanding that these represent parts of numbers. H T U TTH HTH 6 2 5 What does 6.25 look like? Screen 4.22.2b
L.O.: To mark decimals on a line understanding that these represent parts of numbers. HTH 6 2 5
L.O.: To mark decimals on a line understanding that these represent parts of numbers. Look at the metre stick. There are 100 cm in 1 m. So one metre and six centimetres is 1•06 m. Where would 1.24 be on the metre stick? 0.45? 0.6?
Mark the tenths and hundredths on the number line. L.O.: To mark decimals on a line understanding that these represent parts of numbers. Create your own decimal number lines. Mark the tenths and hundredths on the number line.
L.O.: To mark decimals on a line understanding that these represent parts of numbers. 0.05 0.5
0.03 0.02
1.65 2.62
7.5 7.05
2.22 2.2
0.09 1
3.65 2.78
Rounding and adding decimals Lesson 3 Rounding and adding decimals
L.O.: To count in tenths and hundredths Count in tenths up to 3. Try again starting at 13•8. Count back in 10ths from 67•2. Count on 100ths from 2•25.
L.O.: To read, write and compare decimals. I can read, write, compare and order decimals. I can find decimal numbers between two numbers. I can round 1-place decimals to the nearest whole number.
L.O.: To read, write and compare decimals. Which is bigger: 2•8 or 2•4? Can you find both numbers on the number line? Number line tool 4.22.5a Which whole number does each decimal round to? Can you think of a number that lies between 2•8 and 2•4? Now try it with 16•5 and 16•1, and 28•42 and 28•73.
L.O.: To read, write and compare decimals. On your whiteboards: Compare 63•6 and 63•3, Round each to the nearest whole number Write a number in between.
L.O.: To read, write and compare decimals. Practise rounding decimals to the nearest unit.
Lesson 4 Decimals
L.O.: To recall timetables facts Times tables test
L.O.: To round and compare decimals. I understand the value of each digit in a number. I can compare numbers with 1 and 2 decimal places. I can read, write, and order decimals (1 and 2 place).
L.O.: To round and compare decimals. Which is greater: 3.76 4.98 0.56 0.34 1.67 1.59 6.89 9.87
L.O.: To round and compare decimals. Round these decimals to the nearest whole number Remember: 0-4 touch the floor 5-9 climb the vine 1.7 2.89 3.26 5.88 1.11
L.O.: To round and compare decimals. Choose one of the worksheets and follow the instructions on how to colour it in.