CPD 2016-17
Rationale Why is reading for pleasure important? When you read often and with enthusiasm you lay foundations that last for life. You empathise. You access information more easily. Almost by osmosis you internalise the essential skills of spelling, grammar and vocabulary. You learn to express yourself verbally and in writing. You learn to interpret and potentially change your world. Research has shown that developing a love of reading is important for children’s life chances. According to the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development): “Finding ways to engage pupils in reading may be one of the most effective ways to leverage social change.” Researchers have noted that “as students become engaged readers, they provide themselves with self-generated learning opportunities that are equivalent to several years of education.” Poor reading skills correlate heavily with lack of employment, lower wages and fewer opportunities for advancement. Reading can provide an escape from day to day concerns and can be a wonderful way of relaxing and relieving stress. . This year’s focus of CPD is ‘developing the developers’ - developing staff so that we can effectively develop our pupils! The optional workshops will follow the same four part format throughout the year but each group will have their own ways of researching, exploring and evaluating the impact of their action research. At the end of the year we will share the work of the groups through a whole school CPD /teachmeet. Each group will produce some resources / ideas which can be used by all staff.
Think, pair, share… How can you engage and motivate your pupils during DEAR? Feedback to class about what pupils are reading Pupils to read the teacher’s recommended book and discuss Encourage pupils to read all kinds of texts eg. magazines, articles, newspapers, autobiographies, journals, texts in another language etc Swap books around the class and set up a ‘recommended reads’ display board in class Guide pupils to appropriate texts and challenge them to read outside of their comfort zone Incorporate activities eg. quizzes, hot-seating tasks and prediction exercises Be a role model to the class and read yourself during DEAR Tutor group / year group competitions activities to promote a team spirit Complete book reviews Interview in pairs to swap ideas about books which they have read
CHOOSE THREE OR FOUR STRATEGIES THAT YOU CAN USE THIS YEAR… Getting involved… Effective ways to motivate pupils to read: 1. Let them choose their own books. 2. Provide time for reading. 3. Discuss what they are reading, ask questions and get involved. 4. Read a ‘children’s’ book yourself. Try reading one of the books that they are reading. It will generate discussion and you will probably find that you really enjoy it! 5. Get them hooked on a series –Harry Potter / Twilight saga / Philip Pullman trilogy etc. 6. Create a classroom / year group display. 7. Create a “Caught Reading” poster campaign – photographs of staff / pupils reading their book. CHOOSE THREE OR FOUR STRATEGIES THAT YOU CAN USE THIS YEAR… Ask staff for their ideas first and discuss as a group.
What’s new? 100 text challenge over five years Tutor to sign each time pupil reads 5 texts Pupils who achieve 20 text target will be rewarded in line with whole school policy Pupils can include books/texts read independently at home and also within lessons at school BUT must provide evidence of this through completion of a review Pupils to complete minimum of one books/texts review each term (allocate time during extended registration at the end of each term) To promote wider reading there is a list of ‘challenge’ books available for pupils
Challenging targets…
Challenging targets…
Challenge Pupils on the more able and talented register will receive additional intervention to promote wider reading. Pupils will be issued with a new book to read as part of a group. Progress will be monitored through a reading club and termly meetings of the group.
What next? Collect book box In September you will receive copies of booklets, reviews and book marks Year 7 will be issued with new DEAR folders Timings: Monday and Thursday am reg and Friday extended reg.(shared with Maths) Whole school DEAR reading lesson (Date TBC) Induction for all pupils in September Any queries re. extra books, (eg. to suit specific reading ages) folders, booklets etc. please contact Amy at any point during the year
Any queries?