A presentation all about the RCEN Chemicals Management Plan (CMP) Capacity Building Project (CMP-CBP) Philana Dollin RCEN National Caucus Coordinator 613-728-9810 x223 philana@cen-rce.org
All about the CMP-CBP What is it? How does it work? Who participates? Website, what website?
CMP-CBP: What is it? a partnership between the Canadian Environmental Network (RCEN) and Environmental Defence (ED) Objective: to enhance civil society capacity to engage in the Government of Canada's Chemicals Management Plan (CMP)
CMP-CBP: How does it work? Technical experts at ED conduct research and analysis on substances under assessment in the CMP provide summaries in accessible formats RCEN takes the lead in disseminating the results of this research along with opportunities for public engagement in the CMP website, listserv, and bi-monthly newsletters provide opportunities for interested groups to access and share information and to collaborate on responses and input to the CMP
CMP-CBP: Who participates? a wide range of NGOs and civil society stakeholders including: Environmental NGOs Health NGOs Labour groups Consumer groups Aboriginal groups Youth groups
CMP-CBP: Website, what website? http://www.cen-rce.org/CMP/indexcmp.html Background Information CMP CMP-CBP Project Team Updates Research NGO Responses Resources Media Archives
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