Brimscombe C of E Primary February 2nd 2017 Brimscombe C of E Primary Parent’s Forum Standards- EYFS/KS1/2 SATS results summary Accelerated reader- making it clear Website- supporting your child- what’s important to you? FOBS- who are they, what do they do? Questions…
Attainment in year Reception Standards 2016 KS1 and 2 SATS Attainment in year Reception National Brimscombe % pupils reaching a good level of development 69% 71%
Attainment in year 2 SATS 2016 Standards 2016 Attainment in year 2 SATS 2016 Pupils reaching the expected level or above National Brimscombe Reading 74% 87% National Brimscombe Writing 65% 73% National Brimscombe Mathematics 73% 80%
Year 6 pupils reaching the expected standard School National RWM Combined 45% 53% Reading 55% 66% Writing 73% 74% Maths 64% 70% GPS 72%
Year 6 pupils reaching higher standard School National RWM Combined 27% 5% Reading 55% 19% Writing 36% 15% Maths 17% GPS 45% 22%
Progress form year 2 to year 6 Standards 2016 KS1 and 2 SATS Progress form year 2 to year 6
in summary… EYFS perform at or above National Year 2 SATS results last year were strong in all subjects Year 6 attainment was generally in line with National standards Progress from year 2-6 was especially good in writing Many pupils reached the higher standard in year 6
Reading expectations In school: Accelerated reader book Daily reading Group reading comprehension- quizzing/ guided reading At home Reading 15 minutes a night Home book or accelerated reading Emphasis on reading for enjoyment Changes Free read Friday after half term Pupil nomination for new books