Genitive By: Shawn Rogers
Table of Contents What is Genitive? Rules of Genitive Table of Genitive articles Examples of Masculine Examples of Feminine Examples of Neuter Examples of Plural Genitive Quiz Note: All English is in White, and all German is in Red!
What is Genitive? Genitive is a noun case that shows possession or a relationship between two nouns. Example: Der Bruder des Mannes wohnt im Norden. The man’s brother lives in the north. Because the man has a grammatical relationship with his brother, the Genitive case is used in the sentence to relate the two. For more in depth information on Genitive, look on to the rest of the powerpoint.
The Rules of Genitive Like the other noun cases (Nominativ, Akkusativ, Dativ), Genitive requires a change in both indefinite and definite articles. In addition, Genitive also requires that changes be made to the nouns. When the noun is masculine or neuter, the noun may have either –es or –s added to the end. When the noun has only one syllable, then –es is added to the end. When the noun has multiple syllables, then add –s to the end.
Genitive Articles English Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural The des der eines einer n/a My meines meiner Your deines deiner His, or Its seines seiner Her ihres ihrer Their Our unseres unserer Your (plural) eueres euerer His or Her (adult) Ihres Ihrer
Genitive: Masculine Der Hund des Mannes ist tot. The man’s dog is dead. Notice that because the man has grammatical possession of the dog, the article in front of the man is changed from der to des. Also notice that –es is added to the end of Mannes because Mann has only one syllable.
Genetive: Feminine Der Vater der Dame schläft auf dem Bett. The woman’s father sleeps on the bed. Notice that because the woman has grammatical possession of the father, the article in front of the woman changes from die to der.
Genitive: Neuter Der Ball des Mädchens ist gross. The girl’s ball is large. Notice that because the girl shows grammatical possession of the ball, the article in front of the girl changes from das to des. Also notice that –s is added to the end of Mädchens because Mädchen has mor than one syllable.
Genitive: Plural Die Männer der Zechen sind müde. The men of the coal mines are tired. Notice that because the coal mines show grammatical possession of the men, the article in front of coal mine changes from die to der.
Genitive Quiz Question #1 Question #2 Question #3 Question #4 Note: Back Arrow Buttons take you back to the previous question, Forward Arrow Buttons take you to the next question, and Beginning Buttons take you back to this page.
Die Mutter _ Dame wohnt in Stuttgart. des der
Der Hund _ Junges geht nach Hause. des der
Das ist das Haus _ Freundes. meines meiner
Der Besitzer _ Restaurants mag Eis. des der
Die Sitze _ Kinos sind schwer. des der
Die Eröffnung _ Straβe war am Samstag. des der
Der Nordosten _ USA ist kalt im Winter. des der
Der Nichtraucher-Passargier _ Zuges steigt schnell ein. des der
Der Fahrradweg _ Ortes geht durch einen Wald. des der
Der Bahnhof _ Stadt liegt an der Nordseite. des der
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