Configurable Display
Configurable Display Due to their size, bulk, and other factors projectors are extremely difficult to position. Therefore, this project is developing algorithms that configure multiple, inexpensive, loosely aligned projectors to create one continuous, large display area. This allows for ease in setup and maintenance of a display system. However, when developing this algorithm two problems must be addressed. First is a geometric problem caused by the tilt and offset of individual projectors. Second is a photometric problem caused vary intensities of light due to the overlapping of projected images.
Configurable Display With projectors aligned like this: The display would appear something like this:
Configurable Display However, a single camera viewing a simple dot pattern displayed by each projector, like the one above, can provide enough data to configure the proper adjustments for geometry and masks for blending.
After configuring the display, it appears like this: Configurable Display After configuring the display, it appears like this:
Configurable Display This provides a more detailed, useable and inexpensive display in the laparoscopic environment. Currently, the algorithm can configure to display on any surface, not just a flat screen. More innovations like stereovision and frame rate synchronization are being developed.