Growing Up Ready Stations
Apparel Merchandising Do you know why you are wearing what you are wearing today? Learn what a trend is and how it develops! Learn about the clothing industry and all the different careers involved in the fashion industry! Learn the basics of sewing!
Interested in Architecture or Interior Design? Learn to read blue prints. Learn about colors and how they affect our lives. Use CAD software to design your very own house.
Fashion and Textiles Light fabric on fire in order to learn why certain clothes are made out of certain fabrics! Learn all about clothes! Believe it or not, the fashion that you are wearing today is similar to what your parents and teachers might have worn a long time ago. Learn the history of fashion!
Banking and Credit Services If so, then choose Banking and Credit Services. Set up a checking account and learn how to keep track of your money. Learn the whole banking process. Write checks and deposit slips. Learn how to set goals so you can buy the things you have always wanted. Do you like money? Do you want to be smart with your money as you get older?
Consumer Services Learn all about marketing and advertising. Have you ever wondered why commercials come on TV for Taco Bell, Red Lobster, or other really good tasting food around 5 pm? Or why children's cereal is at a child eye level in the grocery store? Learn all about marketing and advertising. Learn that you are a consumer and every consumer has laws and rights to protect them! Taste test different brands of food to see if you can tell a difference.
Do you like to travel? Global Travel Plan a trip! Learn to read and follow maps. Research climate, time zones, and learn how to stay on budget for your vacation.
Caregiving Do you like to work with kids? Do you like to babysit or maybe become a teacher someday? Learn about how young children develop and grow. Learn some games and crafts to do with kids when babysitting. Learn how to read a story to children.
Do you want to have a family or babysit someday? Parenting Do you want to have a family or babysit someday? Learn all the RESPONSIBILITEIS that go into being a parent or babysitter by taking care of an infant simulator doll! Learn how important nutrition and safety are when caring for a child! Make a babysitting resume so you can be a professional babysitter!
Family and Friends Learn how to communicate effectively! Do you want to be a confident person who has healthy relationships with your friends, family, and boyfriends/girlfriends? Learn how to communicate effectively! Learn how to be a great friend so people want to be friends with you! Learn what to look for in a good friend so you don’t get hurt by your friends! Learn how to have healthy relationships when you begin to date
Do you want to be a confident individual? The Global Family Do you want to be a confident individual? Learn about self-esteem! Set goals for your life in order to become the person you want to be! Learn about different family structures of different cultures!
Food Science and Nutrition Learn about substances that are put in your food or on your food Learn how caffeine affects your body! Learn about the production of food and how technology has changed everything!! Learn what makes bread fluffy! Perform science experiments to learn about leavening agents! If you do not want to tie your hair back, don’t choose this station!
If you do not want to tie your hair back, don’t choose this station! Math in the Kitchen Learn how to calculate a tip at dinner and show your parents up because you know an EASY trick! Learn to read a recipe! Learn to measure accurately! If you do not want to tie your hair back, don’t choose this station!
If you do not want to tie your hair back, don’t choose this station!!! Science in the Kitchen Learn the science behind cooking!! How heat is transferred and how different cooking methods affect certain foods! Learn to wash your hands effectively! Use a black light to see the bacteria on your hands! Learn About food borne illness and how to avoid getting sick from food! If you do not want to tie your hair back, don’t choose this station!!!
Nutrition and Wellness Learn about stress management! Learn how to eat healthy! Learn how to prevent certain diseases! If you do not want to use the exercise bike or tie your hair back, don’t choose this station!!! Do you want to learn how to live a healthy life???