Core Case Study: Electronic Waste (1) What is electronic waste or e-waste? Televisions, computers Cell phones, iPods Fastest growing category of waste 80% recyclable Contains toxic materials
Core Case Study: Electronic Waste (2) Disposal methods Cradle-to-grave approach E-recycling industry Company-sponsored recycling programs Prevention is best long-term solution
Fig. 16-1, p. 403
16-1 What Are Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste, and Why Are They Problems? Concept 16-1 Solid waste represents pollution and unnecessary waste of resources, and hazardous waste contributes to pollution, natural capital degradation, health problems, and premature deaths.
Wasting Resources (1) Solid Waste Industrial solid waste Mining Agriculture Industry Municipal solid waste Homes Businesses
Wasting Resources (2) Hazardous or toxic waste Threatens human health or the environment Poisonous Reactive Corrosive Flammable Developed countries produce 80-90%
Wasting Resources (3) Solid waste and hazardous waste About 3/4 unnecessary resource waste Create air and water pollution, land degradation
What Harmful Chemicals Are in Your Home? Cleaning Gardening Disinfectants Pesticides Drain, toilet, and window cleaners Weed killers Ant and rodent killers Spot removers Flea powders Septic tank cleaners Paint Products Paints, stains, varnishes, and lacquers Paint thinners, solvents, and strippers Figure 16.2: Harmful chemicals found in many homes. The U.S. Congress has exempted disposal of these materials from government regulation. Question: Which of these chemicals are in your home? Wood preservatives Automotive Artist paints and inks Gasoline Used motor oil General Antifreeze Dry-cell batteries (mercury and cadmium) Battery acid Brake and transmission fluid Glues and cements Fig. 16-2, p. 405
Fig. 16-3, p. 405
Case Study: Solid Waste in the United States Produces 1/3 of world’s solid waste Mining, agricultural, industrial – 98.5% Municipal solid waste – 1.5% High-waste economy Examples
16-2 How Should We Deal with Solid Waste? Concept 16-2 A sustainable approach to solid waste is first to reduce it, then to reuse or recycle it, and finally to safely dispose of what is left.
Dealing with Solid Waste Waste management Waste reduction Integrated waste management
Fig. 16-4, p. 407
First Priority Primary Pollution and Waste Prevention Change industrial process to eliminate use of harmful chemicals Use less of a harmful product Reduce packaging and materials in products Make products that last longer and are recyclable, reusable, or easy to repair Second Priority Second Pollution and Waste Prevention Reuse Repair Recycle Compost Buy reusable and recyclable products Last Priority Waste Management Treat waste to reduce toxicity Incinerate waste Bury waste in landfills Release waste into environment for dispersal or dilution Figure 16.5: Integrated waste management: priorities suggested by the U.S. National Academy of Scientists for dealing with solid waste. To date, these waste reduction priorities have not been followed in the United States or in most other countries. Instead, most efforts are devoted to waste management (bury it or burn it). Question: Why do you think most countries do not follow these priorities, which are based on consensus science? (Data from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. National Academy of Sciences) Stepped Art Fig. 16-5, p. 407
Producing Less Waste Refuse Reduce Reuse Recycle
Fig. 16-6, p. 408
Reducing Resource Use, Waste, and Pollution (1) Redesign processes and products to use less material Redesign processes and products to generate less waste Make products easy to repair, reuse, remanufacture, compost, or recycle
Reducing Resource Use, Waste, and Pollution (2) Eliminate or reduce unnecessary packaging Use fee-per-bag waste collection systems Establish cradle-to-grave laws
Science Focus: Garbology Garbologists Like archaeologists Trash persists for decades
16-3 Why Is Reusing and Recycling Materials So Important? Concept 16-3 Reusing items decreases the use of matter and energy resources and reduces pollution and natural capital degradation; recycling does so to a lesser degree.
Reuse Reuse as a form of waste reduction Salvaging Yard sales, flea markets, secondhand stores, auctions, newspaper ads, Craigslist, ebay Technology: rechargeable batteries Refillable containers and cloth bags
Fig. 16-7, p. 409
Recycling (1) Five major types of materials can be recycled Paper products Glass Aluminum Steel Plastics (some)
Recycling (2) Primary (closed-loop) recycling Secondary recycling Preconsumer (internal) waste Postconsumer (external) waste Feasibility and marketing
Mixed Versus Separate Household Recycling Material recovery facilities (MRF) Can be expensive Source separation By households and businesses Glass, paper, metals, plastics, compostable
Composting Decomposing bacteria Household composting Organic waste collection facilities Successful large-scale composting Odor control Exclude toxic materials
Individuals Matter: Recycling Plastics 5% plastics recycled MBA Polymers, Inc – commercial recycling process Mike Biddle and Trip Allen, co-founders Pellets cheaper than virgin plastics More environmentally friendly
Trade-Offs Recycling Advantages Disadvantages Reduces air and water pollution Saves energy Reduces mineral demand Reduces greenhouse gas emissions Reduces solid waste production and disposal Helps protect biodiversity Can save landfill space Important part of economy Can cost more than burying in areas with ample landfill space May lose money for items such as glass and some plastics Reduces profits for landfill and incinerator owners Source separation is inconvenient for some people Figure 16.8: Advantages and disadvantages of recycling solid waste (Concept 16-3). Questions: Which single advantage and which single disadvantage do you think are the most important? Why? Fig. 16-8, p. 411
Science Focus: Bioplastics Most plastics are organic polymers produced from petrochemicals Bioplastics are made from plant materials Biodegradable Composting
Encouraging Reuse and Recycling Market prices must reflect true costs Even economic playing field: taxes/subsidies Stabilize prices for recycled materials Fee-per-bag waste collection Better-informed public
16-4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Burning or Burying Solid Waste? Concept 16-4 Technologies for burning and burying solid wastes are well developed, but burning contributes to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and buried wastes can eventually contribute to air and water pollution and land degradation.
Electricity Smokestack Turbine Steam Crane Generator Electrostatic precipitator Furnace Wet scrubber Boiler Water added Waste pit Dirty water Conveyor Bottom ash Figure 16.9: Solutions: a waste-to-energy incinerator with pollution controls that burns mixed solid wastes and recovers some of the energy to produce steam used for heating or producing electricity. Great Britain burns about 90% of its MSW in incinerators, compared to 13% in the United States and 8% in Canada. Questions: Would you invest in such a project? Why or why not? Fly ash Ash for treatment, disposal in landfill, or use as landfill cover Fig. 16-9, p. 413
Trade-Offs Incineration Disadvantages Advantages Reduces trash volume Less need for landfills Low water pollution Concentrates hazardous substances into ash for burial Sale of energy reduces cost Modern controls reduce air Some facilities recover and sell metals Expensive to build Costs more than short-distance hauling to landfills Difficult to site because of citizen opposition Some air pollution and CO2 emissions Older or poorly managed facilities can release large amounts of air pollution Output approach that encourages waste production Can compete with recycling for burnable materials such as newspaper Figure 16.10: Advantages and disadvantages of incinerating solid waste (Concept 16-4). These trade-offs also apply to the incineration of hazardous waste. Since 1985, more than 280 new incinerator projects have been delayed or canceled in the United States because of high costs, concern over air pollution, and intense citizen opposition. Questions: Which single advantage and which single disadvantage do you think are the most important? Why? Fig. 16-10, p. 414
Burying Solid Wastes Open dumps Sanitary landfills Leachates
When landfill is full, layers of soil and clay seal in trash Topsoil Sand Methane storage and compressor building Clay Electricity generator building Leachate treatment system Garbage Probes to detect methane leaks Methane gas recovery well Pipes collect explosive methane for use as fuel to generate electricity Leachate storage tank Compacted solid waste Figure 16.11: Solutions: state-of-the-art sanitary landfill, which is designed to eliminate or minimize environmental problems that plague older landfills. Since 1997, only modern sanitary landfills are allowed in the United States. As a result, many small, older landfills have been closed and replaced by larger and more regional landfills. Question: Some experts say that these landfills will eventually develop leaks, which could emit toxic liquids. How do you think this could happen? Groundwater monitoring well Leachate pipes Garbage Leachate pumped up to storage tank for safe disposal Sand Synthetic liner Leachate monitoring well Sand Groundwater Clay and plastic lining to prevent leaks; pipes collect leachate from bottom of landfill Clay Subsoil Fig. 16-11, p. 414
Trade-Offs Sanitary Landfills Advantages Disadvantages No open burning Noise and traffic Little odor Dust Low groundwater pollution if sited properly Air pollution from toxic gases and trucks Can be built quickly Releases greenhouse gases (methane and CO2) unless they are collected Low operating costs Can handle large amounts of waste Figure 16.12: Advantages and disadvantages of using sanitary landfills to dispose of solid waste (Concept 16-4). Questions: Which single advantage and which single disadvantage do you think are the most important? Why? Slow decomposition of wastes Filled land can be used for other purposes Output approach that encourages waste production No shortage of landfill space in many areas Eventually leaks and can contaminate groundwater Fig. 16-12, p. 415
16-5 How Should We Deal with Hazardous Waste? Concept 16-5 A more sustainable approach to hazardous waste is first to produce less of it, then to reuse or recycle it, then to convert it to less hazardous materials, and finally to safely store what is left.
(Data from U.S. National Academy of Sciences) Produce Less Hazardous Waste Change industrial processes to reduce or eliminate hazardous waste production Recycle and reuse hazardous waste Convert to Less Hazardous or Nonhazardous Substances Natural decomposition Incineration Thermal treatment Chemical, physical, and biological treatment Dilution in air or water Put in Perpetual Storage Landfill Underground injection wells Surface impoundments Underground salt formations Figure 16.13: Integrated hazardous waste management: priorities suggested by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences for dealing with hazardous waste (Concept 16-5). To date, these priorities have not been followed in the United States and in most other countries. Question: Why do you think most countries do not follow these priorities? (Data from U.S. National Academy of Sciences) Stepped Art Fig. 16-13, p. 415
Detoxifying Hazardous Waste Bioremediation Phytoremediation Incineration Plasma arc torch
Storing Hazardous Waste Deep-well disposal Below aquifers in dry, porous rock Surface impoundments 70% in U.S. have no liners 90% may threaten groundwater Secure landfills
Fig. 16-14, p. 417
Trade-Offs Surface Impoundments Advantages Disadvantages Low construction costs Groundwater contamination from leaking liners (or no lining) Low operating costs Air pollution from volatile organic compounds Overflow from flooding Can be built quickly Wastes can often be retrieved if necessary Figure 16.15: Advantages and disadvantages of storing liquid hazardous wastes in surface impoundments. Questions: Which single advantage and which single disadvantage do you think are the most important? Why? Disruption and leakage from earthquakes Can store wastes indefinitely with secure double liners Output approach that encourages waste production Fig. 16-15, p. 417
Bulk waste Gas vent Topsoil Plastic cover Earth Sand Impervious clay cap Clay cap impervious clay Water table Figure 16.16: Solutions: secure hazardous waste landfill. Earth Leak detection system Groundwater Double leachate collection system Plastic double liner Reactive wastes in drums Groundwater monitoring well Fig. 16-16, p. 418
Fig. 16-17, p. 418
Case Study: Hazardous Waste Regulation in the United States (1) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act EPA administers Cradle to grave Laws regulate only 5% of hazardous wastes
Case Study: Hazardous Waste Regulation in the United States (2) Superfund 1980 - created Cleans hazardous waste sites Nov. 2008: 1,255 sites on list; 322 sites cleaned Now broke Taxpayers pay for cleanup, not polluters Brownfields Turning toxic areas into parks and nature reserves
Dealing with Lead Poisoning Neurotoxin Especially harmful to children 1976-2004: number of children with unsafe blood lead levels dropped from 85% to 1.4% Government banned leaded gasoline (1976) and lead-based paint (1970) 100 countries still use leaded gasoline
Solutions Lead Poisoning Prevention Control Phase out leaded gasoline worldwide Phase out waste incineration Ban use of lead solder in computer and TV monitors Ban lead glazing for ceramicware used to serve food Test blood for lead by age 1 Replace lead pipes and plumbing fixtures containing lead solder Remove leaded paint and lead dust from older houses and apartments Sharply reduce lead emissions from incinerators Remove lead from TV sets and computer monitors before incineration or land disposal Figure 16.18: Individuals matter: There are several ways to help protect children from lead poisoning. Questions: Which two of these solutions do you think are the most important? Why? Test for lead in existing ceramic-ware used to serve food Ban candles withlead cores Test existing candles for lead Wash fresh fruits and vegetables Fig. 16-18, p. 419
16-6 How Can We Make the Transition to a More Sustainable Low-Waste Society? Concept 16-6 Shifting to a low-waste society requires individuals and organizations to reduce resource use and to reuse and recycle wastes at local, national, and global levels.
Achieving a Low-Waste Society Grassroots action Environmental justice International treaties Basel Convention Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) Dirty dozen
Five Principles for Achieving a Low-Waste Society Everything is connected There is no “away” for wastes Polluters and producers must pay for wastes Different categories of hazardous waste and recyclable waste should not be mixed Reuse, recycle, and compost solid wastes
Three Big Ideas from This Chapter - #1 The order of priorities for dealing with solid waste should be to reduce, reuse, recycle as much of it as possible and to safely dispose of what is left.
Three Big Ideas from This Chapter - #2 The order of priorities for dealing with hazardous waste should be to produce less of it, reuse or recycle it, convert it to less hazardous material, and safely store what is left.
Three Big Ideas from This Chapter - #3 We need to view solid wastes as wasted resources and hazardous wastes as materials that we should not be producing in the first place.
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