Update from FHWA Emulsion Task Force Pavement Preservation & Recycling Alliance Baltimore, Maryland November 18, 2014 Larry Galehouse, P.E., P.S. Director, National Center for Pavement Preservation 25
2008 #2 First, its goal was to review and refine material oriented research needs related to pavement preservation. This includes evaluation of the existing Pavement Preservation Roadmap Problem Statements and Consortium on Asphalt Research work plans and research. The group is expected to review and make recommendations to integrate related research activities as well as coordinate activities and knowledge sharing with SuperPave ETGs, TRB, NCHRP as well as within Industry through AEMA, ISSA, ARRA and the Asphalt Institute. Second, the group is to proactively encourage adoption of uniform national standards for Pavement Preservation technologies through AASHTO and ASTM. This would include promotion of advanced performance based methods and specifications as well as material related certification standards.
Increase the Knowledge in Asphalt Emulsion Technology GOAL #1 Increase the Knowledge in Asphalt Emulsion Technology Absolutely No Understanding of Asphalt Emulsions Complete Agencies Contractors Suppliers
Address Specific Needs in Asphalt Emulsion Technology GOAL #2 Address Specific Needs in Asphalt Emulsion Technology Modify existing binder testing equipment and protocols to achieve accurate, representative, and repeatable estimates of performance of the residual asphalt. 2. Create practical and cost-effective testing protocols, which build upon existing PG methodologies and equipment. 3. Develop appropriate residue recovery methods for testing.
Develop New Standards and Methods in Asphalt Emulsion Technology GOAL #3 Develop New Standards and Methods in Asphalt Emulsion Technology AASHTO Protocols for: Design Performance Inspection & Acceptance
Develop National Specifications for Asphalt Emulsion Treatments GOAL #4 Develop National Specifications for Asphalt Emulsion Treatments AASHTO specifications for: Chip Seal Cold In-place Recycling Cold Mixes Fog Seal Micro Surfacing Sand Seal Scrub Seal Slurry Seal Tack Coat
Surface Performance Grade (SPG) System GOAL #5 Develop a Surface Performance Grade (SPG) System for Asphalt Emulsions Develop new grading standards for the appropriate preservation treatments. Develop application specific performance- graded residue specifications.
Emulsion Task Force Subcommittees Residue Recovery and Testing Design Group-Spray and Mixtures Supplier Certification and QA Recycling Emulsions Research Asphalt Emulsion Special Working Group
FHWA Emulsion Task Force
Standards submitted to AASHTO in 2010 for Adoption Standard Practice for Certifying Suppliers of Emulsified Asphalt – Provision (PP 71) Recovering Residue from Emulsified Asphalt using Low Temperature Evaporative Techniques – Provision (PP 72) Determining Asphalt Binder Bond Strength by Means of the Bitumen Bond Strength Test (BBS) – Provision (TP 91) Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder for Surface Treatments (Surface Performance Graded (SPG) Spec)– tabled
Immediate Focus Areas Develop AASHTO treatment standards for micro surfacing and chip seals Address customer need to update the state of practice Eliminated unnecessary testing procedures and refine existing test parameters.
Established Standards for All Submittals to AASHTO Development of Treatment Standards for AASHTO Require: Design Specification Design Practices Construction Guide Specification
Products Developed and Delivered to AASHTO in 2014 Standard Specification for Materials for Micro Surfacing Standard Practice for Micro Surfacing Design Standard Specification for Micro Surfacing Construction
Products Developed and Delivered to AASHTO in 2014 Standard Specification for Materials for Chip Seals Standard Practice for Chip Seal Design Standard Specification for Chip Seal Construction Chip Seal Practices
Products Developed and Delivered to AASHTO in 2014 Revisions to Standard Specification for Emulsified Asphalt (anionic), M 140 Revisions to Standard Specification for Cationic Emulsified Asphalt, M 208 Revisions to Standard Specification for Polymer-Modified Emulsified Asphalt, M 316 The re-written M 140 covers 15 grades of emulsified asphalt (anionic) including grades for varying climate conditions with the introduction of “h” (hard) grade for very hot and/or high stress traffic areas, a standard grade, and an “s” (soft) grade for cold climates. The rapid setting emulsion types are shown in the table above. The three-level grading approach (h, standard, s) was based on a study by Gayle King which reviewed and evaluated pen grades used throughout the U.S. The updated M 208 added 5 grades: CRS-1h, CRS-1s, CRS-2h, CRS-2s, and CQS-1. Just like the added anionic grades in the M 140 spec, these additional grades provide options for agencies with hot or cold climatic conditions or unique traffic conditions…removing the “one size fits all” approach. The M 316 specification updated to cover 11 grades –both anionic and cationic- of polymer modified emulsified asphalt. Again, consistent with M 140 & M 208, the “h”, standard, and “s” grades were added for flexibility to address varying climatic and/or traffic conditions. The previous version of M 316 only had two grades: CRS-2P and CRS-2L.
Next Steps AASHTO specifications for: Slurry Seals Tack Coats
Larry Galehouse, P.E., P.S. Director National Center for Pavement Preservation 2857 Jolly Road Okemos, Michigan 48864 (517) 432-8220 • Fax: (517) 432-8223 email: galehou3@egr.msu.edu www.pavementpreservation.org www.tsp2.org 25