CHEMISTRY 1.a Mr. Olivares
Warm up 1/4/2017 Create a divider Unit #7 Atomic Structure Assignment #1 Define/ write what you know about a periodic table. Journal checks will be done every time you are testing (about every 2 weeks).
Share your answer with your shoulder partner
Video Create the following chart in your notes: Metal’s Physical properties: Non-metal Physical properties: 1. Do not leave spaces in between 2. Do not leave spaces in between 3. Do not leave spaces in between 4. Do not leave spaces in between 5. Do not leave spaces in between 6. Do not leave spaces in between 7. Do not leave spaces in between 8. Do not leave spaces in between 9. Do not leave spaces in between 10. Do not leave spaces in between
Metals Solids at room temperature Good conductors of heat Good conductors of electricity Malleable Ductility Hard Metallic luster Sonorous High melting points High density
Non-Metals Solid or gases Poor conductors of heat and electricity Brittle Non-malleable Non-ductile Soft Non-lustrous Non-sonorous Low melting and boiling points Low densities
PERIODIC Table Elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. Vertical columns: Groups, share similar physical and chemical properties. Also share valence electrons quantity. Horizontal rows: Periods: They are in the same shell. Metals, Non-Metals, and Metalloids are in different regions. Video:
CONDUCTOR A material or an object that transfers heat, electricity, light, or sound.
INSULATOR A material or an object that does not easily allow heat, electricity, light, or sound to pass through it.
MALLEABILITY Malleability is the quality of something that can be shaped into something else without breaking.
DUCTILITY Ductility is a solid material's ability to deform under tensile stress; this is often characterized by the material's ability to be stretched into a wire.
BRITTLE Having hardness and rigidity but little tensile strength; breaking readily with a comparatively smooth fracture, as glass.
LUSTER The shine from the surface of a mineral. Luster is important in describing different kinds of minerals. It is usually characterized as metallic, glassy, pearly.
DULLNESS Having very little depth of color; lacking in richness or intensity ofcolor.
DENSITY Put simply, if mass is a measure of how much 'stuff' there is in an object, density is a measure of how tightly that 'stuff' is packed together. (density = mass/volume).
MELTING POINT The temperature at which a given material changes from a solid to a liquid, or melts.
STATE OF MATTER One of the four principal conditions in which matter exists—solid, liquid, gas, and plasma A plasma is a hot ionized gas consisting of approximately equal numbers of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons.
Metals Shiny High Density Melt at High Temperatures Good Conductors (heat/electricity)
Non-metals Dull Low Density Melt at Low Temperatures Bad Conductors (heat/electricity)
metalloids Shiny or Dull Better Conductors than Nonmetals but worse than Metals (semiconductors). In between metals and non-metals. Solids (at room temperature).
sulfur Yellow Dull Brittle Non-metal Very Bad Conductor etc