CAEP Standard 3: Candidate Selectivity (3. 2/3 CAEP Standard 3: Candidate Selectivity (3.2/3.3) & Professional Introduction Videos _______________________ Dr. Elodie Jones, Assistant Professor, Education and Dr. Paul Nienkamp, Associate Professor, History Poll Anywhere: Text ELODIEJONES1 to 37607
Professional Introduction Videos: WHY? Aligning with Standard 3: Candidate Selectivity (3.2/3.3) 3.2: Criteria of admissions (application) 3.3: Additional selectivity factors (dispositions) Meeting the Standard - GPA, ACT and beyond… Origin and development of tools & process Addressing dispositions/soft skills Data collection and curation Assembling a team and piloting Committee changes and tool validation
Hindsight is always clear, or The Development of a Process Grounded knowledge in assessing video Understanding what to assess/ EPP goals Managing the technology (faculty/student) Piloting the tool and gaining feedback Managing data and feedback (TK20)
Moving from Point A to Point P: Progression of Assessment Tools Rubric #1 to pilot (non-CAEP) Development (Spring 2014) Developers knowledge level/Research Use of the tool (Fall 2014) Grader feedback Selectivity changes The grapevine effect
Rubric #1: Initial UNSATISFACTORY PROFICIENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS Language usage and the ability to clearly articulate oral comments (grammar, semantics, syntax) PREPARATION Adequate video background (lighting/distractions, etc.) Attire/Appearance Rehearsed/Prepared video content Sequential and relevant video content Video length Video format (video is able to be played and is in the correct orientation)
Rubric #2 - Piloting Tool #2 to pilot Development Training CAEP-aligned Development Training Use to establish reliability and validity
Revised Rubric From 2 competencies to 7 competencies Communication Skills Preparation Introduction/ Closing Statements Prompt 1: Greatest Strength Prompt #2: Respect for Student Differences Preparation Communication Professionalism Technology Use
And a lot of videos later… Professional Introduction Video Data Data collection that tells us: 605 video’s viewed (Fall 2014-Spring 2017) 509 Pass/96 Not Pass Communication = 2 Not Pass Preparation = 94 Not Pass Criteria for and design of follow-up policies Remake criteria
EPP Video Data Item on Instrument EPP Total Total Communication F 2014 S 2015 F 2015 S 2016 F 2016 S 2017 Total N = 92 135 120 172 86 142 P = 70 115 101 147 76 123 NP = 22 20 19 25 10 Communication 170 2 Preparation 149 23 Total N= 605
Key Take Away(s) and Discussion Establish your EPP’s overall goal and alignment with Standard(s) Establish how/who you will manage the data (e.g., TK20) Establish a flow chart and rubric for validating tools in EPP Training processes in your EPP Where are we going from here…