CLIPP April 2011 4 x Technicians Mike Turner/Tim Hooton Dr Anne Wheeler ext: 5227 Director of CLIPP Dr Panos Vlachopoulos ext: 5234 Lecturer in Academic Practice Paul Gorman ext: 5232 Research Associate Ellen Pope ext: 3311 Head of Learning Development Centre LDC Staff ext: 3040 Ese Usumu: LDC Assistant, Sue Hesson: LDC assistant, John Murray: Learning Development Advisor, Carys Williams: LDC assistant, Chinny Nzweke-Excel: Learning Development Advisor, Rozeena Mazhar (temp): Learning Technology Officer, Djamel Benaouda (temp): E-Learning Developer, Sessional Maths Tutors, Student Writing Mentors Baljit Gill ext: 4778 Learner Enhancement Team Manager LET Staff: ext: 5229 Charlotte Hall : Learner Enhancement Assistant Victoria Carroll: Peer Mentoring Officer Vacancy: Mature Student Support Officer Steve Ellis (0.7) ext: 4212 Associate Director of CLIPP Marika Jones ext: 4216 CLIPP Manager Zara Kendrick ext: 5235 Admin Asst Nick Birch ext: 4232 Producer Steve McHale ext: 4217 Graphic Designer Colin Roach ext: 4219 Technical Producer 4 x Technicians Mike Turner/Tim Hooton Leo Coelho/Dean Rowland ext: 4221 Kevin Brace ext: 4230 Associate Head Technology Enhanced Learning 2 x Developers Adam Massey - Web Editor ext: 4237 Neil Cocklin - Web/Graphic Designer ext: 4218 CLIPP April 2011