Emerging Trends in Learning Webinar Series
Event Logistics Emerging Trends in Learning Webinar Series Audio – Telephone or Mic & Speakers: You will be muted by default when the event starts. If you are having trouble hearing the presentation, click the Raise hand icon. Raise Your Hand: Click this icon to raise your hand. The organizer can then un-mute you. Ask a Question: Type a question to the organizer and click the Send button.
ADA E-learning Compliance with Storyline 2 Today’s Presentation Emerging Trends in Learning Webinar Series ADA E-learning Compliance with Storyline 2 Moderator: Dan Richards, Chief Learning Strategy Officer, Interactive Advantage Guest Speaker: Eddie Javor, Multimedia Developer/Graphic Designer, Interactive Advantage
Topics Settings Compatibility and Performance Tab Order and Navigation Emerging Trends in Learning Webinar Series Settings Compatibility and Performance Tab Order and Navigation Text Images Hotspots Audio Video Interactions Resources
Settings Settings for accessibility are at the object level. Emerging Trends in Learning Webinar Series Settings for accessibility are at the object level. The new Tab Order dialog enables tab order declaration and alt text input.
Compatibility and Performance Emerging Trends in Learning Webinar Series JAWS 16 or higher, IE 11 or higher, Flash Player required Outputs flash and an HTML5 alternative – Flash side is still stronger Enables skilled developer to create a template for more rapid 508 development Not our first choice for developing Section 508 content, but depending on requirements it can be done and can be a fairly simple process.
Tab Order and Navigation Emerging Trends in Learning Webinar Series Objects are read by JAWS in this order: Slide objects (which includes objects on the slide master use by that slide) Player features (Back and Next, side bar, top bar left, top bar right, bottom bar left) Skip to content is automatic and user is prompted after content items are read. Items are accessed by pressing Tab to move forward and Shift+Tab to move backward. Side bar items use up and down arrow keys and then press Space Bar to activate. The Seek bar uses left and right arrow keys to lurch ahead or rewind a bit. Previous and Next buttons are essentially rendered as slide level objects.
Text Emerging Trends in Learning Webinar Series Must tab to it like most items in Storyline. Text and other screen items are not read automatically with default JAWS settings. Can use JAWS shortcut keys like “P” to read certain object types, but this is selective. Hyperlinks: In line hyperlinks are not seen as separate objects by JAWS since SL’s Flash output treats text fields as single objects that are more like graphics. Alternatives are use a button or a shape object. Hyperlink Best Practice: Avoid “click here”. The verb should be what to do with the resource like “Read section 1.2 of the policy.”
Images Emerging Trends in Learning Webinar Series Image descriptions are defined in the Tab Order dialog. Longer descriptions can be placed in text fields that are not visible to the learner visually but will be caught be JAWS. Best Practice: Keep the description short don’t qualify the image unless it needs to be qualified. So not “Image xyz” but “hand-drawn diagram of xyz”. Best Practice: Put images before text in tab order but this is not a hard and fast rule. Exclude some images that are purely decorative using the Tab Order dialog on a case by case basis.
Hotspots Emerging Trends in Learning Webinar Series These objects present accessibility problems in Storyline. You can define alt text for them but they seem to be ignored at runtime. Use a shape or button instead.
Audio Emerging Trends in Learning Webinar Series Provide option set media to not autostart. This can help avoid our audio playing over JAWS. Text equivalent options: Screen text – can even make it look like open or closed captioning or as a static scrolling field Transcript PDF Notes in the player Hidden text field
Video Emerging Trends in Learning Webinar Series Provide option set media to not autostart. This can help avoid our audio playing over JAWS. With MP4s added to the file we can use Player controls. With videos streaming from a service like Vimeo you would have to link out. Text equivalent options: Screen text – can even make it look like open or closed captioning or as a static scrolling field Transcript PDF Notes in the player
Interactions Emerging Trends in Learning Webinar Series With most interaction types, the user will tab to the items and press Enter to activate. JAWS reads slide layers that open but do not immediately set focus to the feedback layer. The focus is set to the end of the content and reads the skip to content option and begins to step through the player.
Resources Interactive Advantage www.interactiveadvantage.com Emerging Trends in Learning Webinar Series Interactive Advantage www.interactiveadvantage.com dan.Richards@interactiveadvantage.com 770-954-9566 Storyline and Section 508 Accessibility https://www.articulate.com/products/storyline-section-508.php This VPAT describes how the published output of Storyline software complies with Section 508 accessibility standards. https://www.articulate.com/products/storyline-section-508-vpat.php
Gerald Miller, Senior Multimedia Developer, Interactive Advantage ADA E-learning Compliance with Lectora 16 Emerging Trends in Learning Webinar Series Questions Moderator: Dan Richards, Chief Learning Strategy Officer, Interactive Advantage dan.richards@interactiveadvantage.com 770-954-9566 Gerald Miller, Senior Multimedia Developer, Interactive Advantage gerald.miller@interactiveadvantage.com
Thank you! ADA E-learning Compliance with Storyline 2 Emerging Trends in Learning Webinar Series Thank you! To register for upcoming webinars, visit www.interactiveadvantage.com > Webinars webinars@interactiveadvantage.com