Global Aim The ‘big picture’ Specific Aim The ‘component parts’ Change Idea Conceptual Definition ‘The Measure’ Operational Definition ‘Specify & Quantify’ STEP 1: Global Aim (Insert your global aim statement here). We aim to improve: In: The process begins with: The process ends with: By working on this process, we expect It is important to work on this now because Global Abstract STEP 2: Specific Aim (List ONE specific aim derived from your global aim in Step 1). We aim to (by how much): By (When): STEP 3: Change Idea (List ONE change idea that will appropriately address the specific aim listed in Step 2). Is there alignment? STEP 4: Conceptual Definition (Describe ONE measure that you could use to assess the effectiveness of the Change Idea you listed Step 3). STEP 5: Operational Definition (Define very precisely what you conceptually described above in Step 4). How will you measure it? STEP 6: Measurement Plan (Define HOW you will collect the data described above in Step 5). Who: What: Where: When: How: Measurement Plan ‘The How’ Specific Concrete
Global Aim The ‘big picture’ Specific Aim The ‘component parts’ Change Idea Conceptual Definition ‘The Measure’ Operational Definition ‘Specify & Quantify’ STEP 1: Global Aim (Insert your global aim statement here). We aim to improve: Patient attendance rates In: Cystic Fibrosis Clinics at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals The process begins with: The decision to book the patients next appointment The process ends with: The patient attending the clinic By working on this process, we expect to reduce DNA (Do Not attend) rates, improve patient and staff satisfaction, increase overall attendances and improve patient adherence and engagement in therapies It is important to work on this now because our current DNA rate is 28% and is unacceptable Global Abstract STEP 2: Specific Aim (List ONE specific aim derived from your global aim in Step 1). We aim to (by how much): Reduce the current DNA rate from 28% to 15% By (When): 1st March 2014 STEP 3: Change Idea (List ONE change idea that will appropriately address the specific aim listed in Step 2). Replace the current appointment process of sending out letters to one where the patient books and agrees to their next appointment in person in clinic or by telephone Is there alignment? STEP 4: Conceptual Definition (Describe ONE measure that you could use to assess the effectiveness of the Change Idea you listed Step 3). The do not attend rate or DNA rate STEP 5: Operational Definition (Define very precisely what you conceptually described above in Step 4). The weekly number of patients who do not attend a scheduled appointment (DNAs) divided into the number of patients that had booked appointments (Attendances + DNAs) x100. DNAs are classified as patients who do not attend without notice AND those who cancel on the day of clinic. Patients who cancel before this time are not included in this measure. The data will be presented as a weekly DNA %. How will you measure it? STEP 6: Measurement Plan (Define HOW you will collect the data described above in Step 5). Who: Michelle (CF Clinic Team). If off Kate will cover What: Capture the number of attendances and the number of DNAs per clinic on the clinic whiteboard and enter this data into the CF DNA outpatient spreadsheet on a weekly basis Where: CF Outpatient clinic whiteboard When: Data captured at every clinic starting Dec 1st 2013 How: Whiteboard has spaces taped off to capture data. Rate inputted weekly into excel template and the run chart to be printed and put on the clinic metrics that matter board weekly . Measurement Plan ‘The How’ Specific Concrete