Some books that we will read: (Read it Once Again Curriculum) Announcements & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS: ATTENTNION: We are in need of SNACKS again for our kiddos in bulk:Gold Fish, Cheez-Itz, Fruit Snacks, etc. *Oct. 24-28 Book Fair Spirit Week: Mon. – CLA school colors Tues. – Wear your favorite team jersey Wed.- Wear mixed match clothing Thurs.- NO SCHOOL- PTC Meetings Fri.- Dress up like your favorite character in a book. *Oct. 25 – Book Fair Family Night *Oct. 25 Basketball at CLA Mrs. Pullum’s class Date: Oct. 24th – 28th Language/Literacy: Nursery Rhyme: Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater,& Review ALL shapes LETTER: “E” – identifying, sound, how to write upper and lowercase *W,W,W?’s, “Fine Motor (cutting) Activities:, “Acting out the Story -comprehension & critical thinking” Math: Identifying, and writing numbers 0-20 AND counting out objects 1:1 correspondence FARM Handwriting Without Tears: Mat Man At Home *practice writing first name: our goal is for them to be able to write on own. This month’s theme: Fall “Farm” Some books that we will read: “Big Red Barn” (Read it Once Again Curriculum) NONE