Assessment of radioactive waste within the ITER hot-cell facility Meeting in Garching, January 17-18, 2006 Main results of the task TW3-TSW-002: Assessment of radioactive waste within the ITER hot-cell facility Karin Brodén and Gunnar Olsson
Hot cell and waste treatment facility The hot cell and waste treatment facility will be equipped for the handling of all types of waste from the operation and decommissioning of ITER: Non-radioactive waste from maintenance and replacements during the hydrogen phase Radioactive operational waste Hot cell waste from the replacement/refurbishing of in-vessel components Radwaste building maintenance and housekeeping waste The waste should be taken out from the facility before the start of DT-operation, after which the facility will be classified area. Radioactive decommissioning waste
Hot cell waste Primary waste: 847 tonnes (42 tonnes/year)
Treatment of hot cell waste Waste placed in cassettes and compacted Resting “cakes” placed in 183 liter stainless steel containers (2 “cakes” in each container) Waste immobilised with cement in 1.5 m3 stainless steel containers
Hot cell waste Conditioned waste volumes (m3) for disposal in: TFA (Very Low Level Waste) CSA (Low Level Waste) Advanced repository Totally: 336-905 m3 (17-45 m3 per year) Totally: 50 m3 (2.5 m3 per year)
Radwaste building and housekeeping waste Combustible solid waste (100-200 m3/year) Incineration, immobilisation of ashes in cement 400-litre steel drums Non combustible solid waste (30-100 m3/year) Super compaction of 200-litre drums 400-litre steel drums ILW spent ion exchange resins (2-4 m3/year) Embedding in epoxy matrix 2 m3 concrete containers LLW spent ion exchange resins and spent filters (6-8 m3/year) Immobilisation in concrete 2 m3 concrete containers Oil waste Incineration No residue Waste from water cleaning Embedding in cement 2 m3 concrete containers Special tritium waste Return to hot cell
Radwaste building and housekeeping waste Conditioned waste (m3/year) Totally: 1600 +/- 25 % m3 (60-100 m3 per year)