Welcome to Year 5
* The Mysteries of Harris Burdick Topic Work * The Mysteries of Harris Burdick * The Americas - focus on The Aztecs and USA * The Victorians
Year 5 Timetable This is what a typical week looks like but there are occasions where we will come off-timetable in order to complete extended projects such as DT.
Who teaches Year 5? At certain times throughout the year (E.g. Oct and Feb) there will be occasions where I will not be teaching the class. This will usually be 2 or 3 mornings in one week. Cover on those occasions is likely to be Mrs Roe, who is a qualified teacher, and we always plan the lessons together. In addition, I have Subject Management time for Computing - no more than one afternoon per half term. This session is usually covered by Mrs Fletcher. At certain times throughout the year (E.g. Oct and Feb) there will be occasions where I will not be teaching the class. This will usually be 2 or 3 mornings in one week. Cover on those occasions is likely to be Mrs Roe and we always plan the lessons together.
Next up, English and Maths. A brief outline of the curriculum and ideas for things you might like to do to help your child.
* Spellings - some very challenging English - writing * Spellings - some very challenging * Basic punctuation needs to be in place - as does joined handwriting. * Grammar - modal verbs, relative pronoun, relative clause, parenthesis, cohesion and ambiguity * Vocabulary - improving word choices in order to enhance meaning * Alan Peat sentences By the end of Y5, the children need to be able to demonstrate that they know what the terms mean and can apply them independently in their written work.
Developed by Robert Smith at the Literacy Shed. There are lots of spelling and punctuation apps available. Spelling Shed Developed by Robert Smith at the Literacy Shed. SpellFix Developed by Alan Peat, there are a series of SpellFix apps that cover spelling lists and letter patterns.
English - Reading V - vocabulary I - infer P - predict E - explain R - retrieve S - sequence or summarise
Encourage your children to read as much as possible Encourage your children to read as much as possible. Ideally different types of books, but if they have an author that they love to read, that's fine. It all helps! lovereading4kids.co.uk
Maths * mental arithmetic (multiplication and division tables - all to 12 x 12) * more mental arithmetic! (Addition and subtraction of 2 digit numbers increasing to 3 and 4 digit e.g. 45 - 29; 450-290; 14,500 - 3,200 etc * larger and smaller numbers (up to a million in whole numbers and thousandths in decimals) * Fraction to decimal conversions and vice versa * converting units of measure (2.005 kg = 2005 g) * solving multi-step problems
Let's do mental maths. (This app is developed by Andrew Brodie who has produced a range of apps for maths as well as some spelling apps).
Homework Homework is given out on Monday and needs to be returned by Friday. The homework is marked on a Friday - by the children. Usually they mark their own and are then able to reflect on any mistakes they made. The children then indicate what they think was the problem. E.g."Didn't get it at all!" or "I don't know my tables," or "I forgot the zero when multiplying by 10." I then check all the books and catch up with children who had difficulties.
Homework - continued At other times, children will read and comment on one another's homework: for example, descriptive writing. Sometimes they will be asked to write a book review, which will be presented in guided reading sessions. They may also be asked to learn and recite a poem to the class. Wherever possible (particularly during Term 1), homework will be cross-referenced with the Year 5 curriculum so you know why it is being sent home.
Rewards and sanctions Children are given house points for good work and Dojo points for behaviour. This term the main focus in Y5 is developing good listening skills so additional Dojo points will be awarded for demonstrating listening skills
Fancy helping out? *Occasional days; cooking, artwork and DT are great fun to do and having an extra pair of hands is always helpful. *Regular sessions; handwriting and gardening *Any skills you have that you would like to volunteer, please let me know.
Keeping in touch * at the gate * telephone If you phone or email, please let the office staff know what you would like to talk about. I usually try to call back at lunchtime or after school. * at the gate * telephone * email (happy to receive emails via school office but I usually try to phone you back)
Keep up to date with what is going on in school by visiting our website, www.gayton.wirral.sch.uk
Follow us on Twitter Y5@Y5Gayton https://twitter.com/y5gayton?lang=en