Judaism Ms. Adreanna Williams
The Star of David indicates important notes.
Mainly Located Israel World Map Judaism believes that Jews are uniquely connected with each other. Regardless of where we live in the world, all Jews are part of a global Jewish community.
Founder Abraham Isaac Family Picture Hagar Abraham Sarah Ishmael (Islam) Isaac (Judaism)
Judaism When Founded Place Where It Began About 1750 B.C.E. Ancient Mesopotamia
What is Judaism? Judaism is a religion of monotheism God is the ultimate authority The Ten Commandments All Jewish law are based on the Ten Commandments Synagogues are places of worship Torah Five Books of Moses Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
Sects Within Judaism Orthodox A form of Judaism that interprets the teachings and scriptures in a stricter way than the rest of Judaism Some Orthodox Jews isolate themselves from non-Jews where as others fully integrate Modern Orthodox Jews wear Kippas
Sects Within Judaism Kabbalah Reform Secular Generally regarded as the “spiritual philosophy” of Judaism Attempts to explain the ultimate reason for the existence of the universe and our place in it, as well as the nature of God himself. Reform Reform Judaism maintains that Judaism and Jewish traditions should be modernized and compatible with participation in the surrounding culture Jewish law is regarded as guidelines rather than strict rules Secular Secular Jews making up 41.4% An indifference to, rejection or exclusion of religion and religious consideration Israeli culture and Hebrew language
Judaism abides by an extensive list of codes Rituals and Customs Judaism abides by an extensive list of codes Birth Circumcised after 8 days Given Hebrew names in addition to names in their native language Bar Mitzvah Coming of age for thirteen year old males Old enough to take responsibility for himself and his observance of Jewish Law Considered adults Marriage Held in a synagogue or outdoors Bridegroom places a gold ring on bride and the marriage contract is read, and the rabbi recites the seven marriage blessings Death Buried within 24hours, body washed, anointed with spices and wrapped in a white sheet Family mourns for a week without leaving the home.
Holy Days of the Year Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Jewish New Year Ten day period of self- examination and penitence Yom Kippur The Day of Atonement Ten days AFTER Rosh Hashanah Seeks purification by the forgiveness of others and repentance of their own sins Fast from sun up until sun down