An Update to the 40 CFR Part 136 Method Detection Limit The New MDL Procedure An Update to the 40 CFR Part 136 Method Detection Limit Procedure Richard Burrows TestAmerica Inc. TNI Chemistry Expert Committee Jerry Parr The NELAC Institute
Presentation Summary Part 1 – History of the MDL Part 2 – What the MDL is Part 3 – Problems with the MDL Part 4 – Details of the new procedure Part 5 – How the modifications improve the procedure
History of the MDL
Developments Since 1983 1984 MDL is promulgated in 40 CFR Part 136, Appendix B for use in the wastewater program and defined as 3.14 times the standard deviation of seven low level spiked blanks. 1985 The MDL is widely adopted by other programs within EPA and written into many state and federal regulations. 1999 USEPA published Method 1631B for analysis of mercury using the old MDL approach, which provided an opportunity for a legal challenge. 2000 USEPA entered into a settlement agreement with the Alliance of Automobile Manufactures, Chemical Manufacturer’s Association, Utility Water Act Group and AFPA. water quality based effluent limitations
And even more…. 2005 Federal Advisory Committee on Detection and Quantification (FACDQ) as a result of the 2000 Settlement Agreement 2007 FACDQ completes their work issuing a final report with recommendations 2010 TNI forms Chemistry Expert Committee to address Calibration, Detection, Quantification and other measurement issues. 2013 Chemistry committee completes work on a MDL revision and submits to EPA 2015 EPA publishes revised MDL as part of a Methods Update Rule
What is the MDL?
Lloyd Currie’s Original Concepts LC The lowest result that can be reliably distinguished from a blank LD The lowest amount present in a sample that will reliably give a result that is above LC LQ The lowest amount that gives quantitative results EPA: The minimum measured concentration of a substance that can be reported with 99% confidence that the measured concentration is distinguishable from method blank results Analytical Chemistry: 1968
MDL and Currie’s LD MDL LD Currie’s LD is the minimum true concentration that is reliably detected (i.e., gives a result above the MDL) MDL LD 1% chance of false negative 0 MDL -- 0 LC LD
What the MDL is (and is not): MDL = Lowest result that can be distinguished from blanks Or, lowest result that means there is actually something in the sample MDL ≠ Lowest amount in a sample that can be reliably detected
What does this mean regarding verification? MDL can be verified by examining blank results MDL cannot be verified with spiked samples
Problems with the Current MDL
Is the Current MDL Procedure a Viable LC? Assumptions in the MDL 1. There is no blank contamination 2. Short term standard deviation is the same as long term standard deviation 3. A response at the MDL indicates analyte detection
Blank Bias Current MDL assumes blank results are centered around zero If blanks are not centered around zero, then the MDL will be too low and many false positives will result. MDL 3.14 x Standard Deviation of 7 spikes 0 MDL 40 CFR Part 136 0 LC Currie’s Critical Level
MDLs Calculated Below Blank Levels Source: EPA Memo January 3, 2013
Procedure Does Not Reflect Long-Term Variance
Calculated MDLs Below Level of Detection Data from EPA MDL Study of Method 524.2
Fundamentals Stay the Same Definition is unchanged What is the lowest result that is qualitatively reliable, i.e., the lowest result that reliably indicates the analyte is in the sample? Calculation is unchanged Describe the distribution as Student’s t times the standard deviation of results
Required Elements of the Procedure Reflect current operating conditions Incorporate entire analytical process New: Include data from low-level spikes and method blanks analyzed over multiple days New: Include criteria for evaluating false positives in blanks New: Include criteria for evaluating qualitative identification Calculate the MDL as Student t X SD New: Include SD of blanks
The Procedure Estimate an initial MDL Determine the initial MDL Evaluate the results Compute the MDL Collect additional data periodically Verify annually Initial On-going The 10X rule is gone! MDL may be determined in specific matrix
1. Estimate an Initial MDL The mean plus three times the standard deviation of a set of method blanks, OR The concentration value that corresponds to an instrument signal/noise in the range of 3 to 5, OR Three times the standard deviation of spiked blanks, OR That region of the standard curve where there is a significant change in sensitivity, OR Instrumental limitations, OR Previously determined MDL.
2. Determine the Initial MDL Select a spiking level, typically 2 – 10 times the estimated MDL. * Analyze a minimum of 7 spikes and 7 blanks. Include at least three batches on three separate days. Existing data may be used if generated within the last 2 years. Samples must be distributed across all of the instruments. A minimum of two spikes and two blanks on different days for each instrument. * Spiking levels in excess of 10 times the estimated detection limit may be required for analytes with very poor recovery
3. Evaluate the Results If any result from the spiked samples does not meet the qualitative identification criteria* or does not provide a result greater than zero then repeat the spikes at a higher concentration. * A set of rules or guidelines for establishing the identification or presence of an analyte. Qualitative identification does not ensure that quantitative results can be obtained.
4. Calculate the MDL MDLb = X + Sb * t of blank results MDLs = Ss * t of spike results Reported MDL = Greater of MDLb or MDLs If none of the method blanks give numerical results for an individual analyte, the MDLb does not apply. If some (but not all) of the method blanks for an individual analyte give numerical results, set the MDLb equal to the highest method blank result. If more than 100 method blanks are available, set MDLb to the level that is no less than the 99th percentile of the blank results.
5. On-going Data Collection At least one spike and one blank on each instrument per quarter At least 7 spikes per year At least 7 blanks per year If more than 5% of the spikes do not return positive numerical results that meet all identification criteria, then the spiking level must be increased and the initial MDL re-determined
6. Annual Verification Recalculate MDLb and MDLs from blank and spike results. Include all data over a two-year period. If the verified MDL is within a factor of 3 of the existing MDL, and fewer than 3% of the method blank results have numerical results above the existing MDL, then the existing MDL may be left unchanged. Otherwise, adjust the MDL to the new verification MDL.
An Improved Procedure Accounts for Problems in Current Procedure Blank contamination Long-term variance Actual detectability Ensures Scientific Reliability Benefits Labs and Data Users Valid MDLs should not change much
Accounts for Blank Bias Sensible MDLs when there is blank bias 1980 Lead in tuna results overstated by 1000X due to blank contamination 2004 EPA Episode 6000 data Chromium by ICPMS, 1400% recovery at the MDL and 600% recovery at the ML due to blank bias 2013 Multi-lab blank detection rates 8270 SIM 6.4% 8921B 16% ICPMS 8% 2014 Lead in particulate matter All blanks in the validation study exceeded the MDL This problem is getting worse because of the need for low level data and increasing sensitivity of instrumentation
Accounts for Variance Long term vs. short term bias The difference varies from method to method and lab to lab, but can be large Long term bias is what matters when it comes performance
Ensures Scientific Reliability Low level spikes must meet qualitative criteria for identification Low level spikes must be greater than the mean of blank results
What does this mean to labs? Clear requirements Scientifically reliable MDLs Level playing field Low transition costs since existing data can be used Some additional organizational requirements
What does this mean to data users? MDLs that make sense Much lower rate of false positives, especially for ICP, ICPMS and some general chemistry tests Easier to compare labs In general, more reliable data = better decision making
How much will MDLs change? Analytes with minimal or no detects in blanks, e.g., most GC/MS analytes at normal levels Not Much Analytes with frequent detects in blanks, e.g., metals, low level PAH, general chemistry tests Depends If the lab is currently adjusting MDLs to avoid excessive false positives Not much If the lab has been pushing MDLs below levels justified by the blanks Quite a bit
Status of the Procedure Expected to be final later this year Only minimal changes are expected New TNI Standard encourages use of this procedure Labs could begin implementing now, except where not allowed
TNI Chemistry Committee 2010-2015 Thank You TNI Chemistry Committee 2010-2015 Richard Burrows, Chair TestAmerica Laboratories Dan Dickinson New York DOH Francoise Chauvin New York City DEP Brooke Connor USGS Anand Mudambi US EPA OSA Tim Fitzpatrick Florida DEP Nancy Grams Advanced Earth Technologists Lee Wolf Columbia Analytical Services Scott Siders Illinois EPA John Phillips Ford Motor Company Gary Ward Oregon DOH Valerie Slaven Teklab Inc. Colin Wright Florida DEP Gale Warren New York DOH 91 meetings