Selkirk Fire District Community Budget Meeting on the FY 2017 Budget Bethlehem Industrial Park Fire, March 2015 Company Chief Harold Williams (Circa Early 1960’s) October 18, 2016 Selkirk Fire Station No. 1
Welcome! The Selkirk Fire District was incorporated in 1928 to provide fire protection and emergency services to the hamlets of Selkirk, Glenmont and South Bethlehem
Dutch Lehmann, Bud Woerhrman & George Turner, (Circa 1930’s) Public Hearing Rules Please print your name and address on the attendance sheet being passed around; Please raise your hand if you have a question, and state your name; If you have comments on any part of the proposed budget, time will be provided for you to be heard at the end of this presentation. Dutch Lehmann, Bud Woerhrman & George Turner, (Circa 1930’s)
What Is A “Fire District”? The Selkirk Fire District is a political subdivision of the State of New York; A fire district has the authority to require a tax levy on real property and to borrow funds in its own name; The Selkirk Fire District is governed by a five member “Board of Fire Commissioners.” Each member is elected to a five year term with one commissioner’s term expiring each year; The chief provides overall leadership and coordination for the entire fire department; The fire department provides the volunteer fire fighters who are supervised by the chief of the department.
Commissioners of the Selkirk Fire District Charles Wickham Jr., Chairman Douglas Van Apeldoorn George Ten Eyck Barak Strock Robert Burns SFD Members at Corning Tower Stair Climb
Officials of the Selkirk Fire District Douglas Ophardt, District Treasurer Stephanie Krause, District Secretary Car Accident at Cumberland Farms
Selkirk Fire District Chief Officers William Asprion, Chief “401” Joe Michaniw, 1st Assistant Chief “402” Kevin Craft, 2nd Assistant Chief “403” Old Quarry Road House Fire
SFD covers - 58% of the area of the Town of Bethlehem Co. #2 Glenmont (formed in 1953) Co. #3 South Bethlehem (formed in 1956) Co. #1 Selkirk (formed in 1928)
Selkirk Fire Calls By Year With Linear Trending The Selkirk FD will respond to an estimated 360 calls in 2016
FY 2017 Budget Highlights The District’s FY 2017 total budget will be $1,303,386 which is an increase of $162,386 or 14.23% over the FY 2016 budget of $1,141,000. The FY 2017 tax levy will be set at $1,261,286 which is an increase of $162,186 or 14.76% over the FY 2016 tax levy of $1,099,100. FF Saxe, FF Burns, FF Messenger, FF Pugsley at Flashover Training
Bethlehem Industrial Park Fire March 2015 FY 2017 Budget Highlights The estimated FY 2017 tax rate will be $1.064 per $1,000 assessed value, which is an increase of $0.042 cents over the FY 2016 tax rate of $1.022 per $1,000 assessed value. A house assessed at $250,000 would see a projected $10.50 increase in its fire tax for FY 2017. Bethlehem Industrial Park Fire March 2015
Selkirk Property Tax Levy Change By Year 1999 $ 530,200 -3.65% 2000 $ 510,400 -3.73% 2001 $ 485,600 -4.86% 2002 $ 475,500 -2.08% 2003 $ 584,101 22.84% 2004 $ 553,366 -5.26% 2005 $ 598,410 8.14% 2006 $ 739,255 23.54% 2007 $ 691,670 -6.44% 2008 $ 800,350 15.71% 2009 $ 910,825 13.80% 2010 $ 945,725 3.83% 2011 $ 953,085 0.78% 2012 $ 940,170 -1.36% 2013 $ 958,973 2.00% 2014 $ 1,024,018 6.78% 2015 $ 1,040,000 1.56% 2016 $ 1,099,100 5.68% 2017 $ 1,261,286 14.76% Roof Ventilation Training The Tax Levy Will Increase By $162,186 or 14.76%
FY 2017 Revenues Property Tax Levy 96.16% Carry Over 3.0% Miscellaneous 0.55% PILOT 0.14% Interest 0.05% Other Governments 0.09% A Property Tax Cap has a significant impact upon the fire district as the property tax levy is 96.77% of revenues
Personal Services are just 3% of the entire budget FY 2016 Expenditures Personal Services are just 3% of the entire budget
Proposed FY 2017 Budget Synopsis Personal Services $ 42,087 Equipment $ 96,200 Total Contractual $ 425,000 Total Administration $ 740,049 Total $1,303,386 Less Revenues: Received in Lieu of Taxes $ 1,800 NYS Thruway/Other Gov Agencies $ 1,000 Previous Year Carryover $ 32,500 Interest Earned (Multi Funds) $ 800 Miscellaneous Revenue $ 6,000 Total $ 42,100 Property Tax Levy Required in FY 2017 $1,261,286 Property Tax Levy Required in FY 2016 $1,099,100 Property Tax Levy Increase $ 162,186 or 14.76%
Conclusion The District’s FY 2017 total budget will be $1,303,386, an increase of $162,386 or 14.23% over the FY 2016 budget of $1,141,000; The FY 2017 tax levy will be set at $1,261,286, an increase of $162,186 or 14.76% over the FY 2016 tax levy of $1,099,100; The estimated FY 2017 tax rate will be $1.064 per $1,000 assessed value which is an increase of $0.042 over FY 2016 tax rate of $1.022 per $1,000 assessed value The average home assessed at $250,000 will see a $10.50 increase in their fire tax
For Eighty-Seven Years! 100% Volunteer! For Eighty-Seven Years!
Are There Any Questions or Comments?
Thank You For Attending Tonight’s Budget Meeting River Road House Fire