South Sudan Surveillance Highlights – IDSR & EWARN Epidemiology update Week 36 of 2016 16th September, 2016 Bulletin available at: CSR - DDC AFRO
Highlights week 36 of 2016 IDSR EWARN System Performance 43% (23 counties attached target completeness of 80%) Top Causes of Morbidity Malaria (53%) AWD (6%) Top cause of mortality S. Malaria 14/17 (82%) EWARN System Performance 55% Top Causes of Morbidity Malaria (35%) ARI (21%) AWD (7%) Top causes of mortality Malaria; perinatal deaths; pneumonia; TB/HIV/AIDS, SAM 70% in Bentiu PoC
Highlights Preparedness and response actions Malaria Malaria accounted for 53% and 35% of consultations in nonconflict-affected and IDP areas Malaria cases in five states [Western Lakes, Eastern Lakes, Aweil, Aweil East, and Lol] exceeded expected levels in the week. A total of 32 (40%) counties countrywide have registered increasing and/or more than expected levels of malaria cases Malaria accounted for 82% of mortality in the non conflict affected areas
Highlights Preparedness and response actions Malaria
Malaria trends in the IDP sites as of week 36 of 2016
Cholera Cholera outbreaks still confined to five states [Jubek, Terekeka, Jonglei, Imatong, and Eastern Lakes]. Active transmission is currently restricted to Jubek and Eastern Lakes states. Cumulatively, 2,119 cholera cases including 31 deaths (14 facilities and 17 community) (CFR 1.46%) have been reported in South Sudan Cumulatively 83 (43%) of the samples tested positive for Vibrio Cholerae in the NPHL National and state level cholera taskforce committees are coordinating preparedness and response activities
Epidemic curve for cholera cases in South Sudan, from 18 June - 19 September 2016
Measles A total of 27 new measles cases were reported in from Kajo-keji (1), Jur River (1), and Abyei (25) in week 36 of 2016 A new measles outbreak confirmed in Abyei after 15 of 23 samples were confirmed as measles IgM positive Plans for reactive measles vaccination in Abyei are underway Since the beginning of 2016, a total of 1,670 measles cases including at least 19 deaths (CFR 1.14%) have been reported countrywide
Preparedness and response actions Submission of IDSR reports - IDP and nonconflict areas [support to the CHDs to submit weekly IDSR reports] Malaria response Malaria taskforce meetings ongoing Improving access to timely initiation of treatment: static and mobile clinics; ICCM Monitor and report ACT stock levels at HF level on weekly basis - support the CHDs to monitor ACT stocks to prevent stock-outs Vector control - LLINs and BCC Health cluster to convene meeting [involving Abyei partners; EPI program; & HSE] to plan the measles response in Abyei Continued support to cholera and malnutrition response Enhance Kala azar response in endemic locations - MoH with support from partners - WHO, IMA, MSF, and HC partners - training; restocking diagnostics & medicines; trends Rabies: Bentiu PoC and Aweil - improve access to lifesaving post-exposure vaccination; one health response - Public Health and Veterinarians