Copyright Licensing Agency “Digitally transforming the use of content in Education” Adam Sewell, CIO 8th November 2016
About CLA Who are we and what do we do? CLA is owned by publishers and authors and also represents visual artists Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1988) defines CLA as a ‘licensing body’ that operates a collective ‘licensing scheme’ on behalf of copyright owners CLA licenses any organisation needing permission to copy and re-use content from copyright publications including digital or print CLA is non profit-making and all the licence fees collected are paid to the copyright holders
CLA’s revenue Licence fees collected and distributed During the 2014/15 financial year, we collected UK licence fees: £64.1m International agreements: £12.2m Total: £76.3m For every pound that we collected in licence fees, we paid: 48p to PLS for publishers 27p to ALCS for authors 6p to DACS for visual artists 8p to overseas societies 11p to cover CLA’s running costs
CLA’s evolving strategy 01011 1001010 100 1001010 1010101 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 001 0 0 1110001 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 01011 1010010 111 1001010 0 1 1 0010100
Why Education?
Data collection methods
Data collection methods
Why talk about Higher Education? Digital Solutions Two challenges Annual census reporting Acquisition of additional permissions Two solutions Digital Content Store (DCS) Second Extract Permissions Service
Digital Content Store
DCS Value Benefits to institutions who use DCS Instantly generates secure links for course pack material Share material between institutions saving time and money Eliminate census reporting Integrates with major library management systems Reduces administrative burden by automating weeding and streamlining renewals Provides definitive permissions regarding titles Links with EHESS accounts for seamless ordering and fulfilment of British Library orders Links with CLA’s Second Extract Permissions Service
Second Extract Permissions Librarian challenge What if I want to use more than 10% of any publication (or more than one chapter / article)?
Infrastructure requirements
High-level system interactions
Key PaaS components Internet Azure CLA Office Customer System CLA Micro Sites Internet Azure CLA Office Customer System CLA WWW Site Full Text Search Solr Ingest Batch Process Check Permissions SOAP API OPS (clone) Integration Services Check Permissions REST WS API SMTP Email Async Msg Queue 3rd Party System Check Permissions UI Foreign Data BL Import Batch Process Entitlements Async Processes Entitlements Batch Import Batch Process OPS DB Entitlements Portal UI (Cut Down) Data Mart Customer Data Sync (Full) Data Mart Data Mart WS API Entitlements Data Mart Import Batch Process Entitlements WS API Order Mngt CLA Staff Other Data Types Login UI Monthly Invoice Batch Process Azure VPN Admin WS API User Credentials Admin Portal UI
The story so far… DCS – since July 2016 60 HEIs signed up Over 100k links to active content Over 300k student downloads Second Extract Permission Service – since July 2015 Over 100 HEIs signed up Over 50 HEIs purchased
Any questions? Contact me: @adamcsewell