Intellectual Property dfp6013 Cyberpreneurship fp Intellectual Property
Learning Outcome At the end of this class, student will be able to: Define intellectual property Describe the various types of intellectual property: Copyright Patent Trademark Describe the procedure to register intellectual property of a product
Introduction The general name given to intangible assets which derived from creative effort.
COPYRIGHT Exclusive right given by law to the owner to regulate of all finding, design, idea and innovation of the product. Copyright protect work of authorship and cover: Work of art Photo, pictures, graphic, design, drawing and image Song, music, sounds & recording Books, manuscripts, show & publication Plays, movies, show & performance arts The act that protect copyright in Malaysia is Copyright 1987 The Digital Millennium Copyright Act was passed to protect copyrighted materials on the internet. Malaysia have a registration system for copyright. Beginning June 1st, 2012 Copyright Voluntary Notification System has been operating in Malaysia.
TRADEMARK A trademark is a distinctive mark consists of words, logo, names, numbers, alphabets, combinations of one or multitude elements, functions a way to distinguish goods / services from one another, for a customer to differentiate products, and as a marketing tools. It is commonly called as ‘brand’. As an owner of a registered trademark, you are entitled to have exclusive rights over the mark that you registered. These exclusive rights include the rights to monopoly the trademark and also the rights to take legal actions against any other parties that are using your mark without permission.
TRADEMARK The application will take 24 hours to be valid. Once 24 hours period passed, applicant may use TM with their mark. The certification process will take an estimation time of 12 months and 2 weeks. Once the Trademark Certificate has been obtained from The Registrar Office, the mark may use (R) for the period of 10 years.
EXAMPLE A dictionary word Invented word Numbers Logo Picture Slogan Well known example Apple for computer Rolex for watches COCA COLA for drinks
PATENT Exclusive right granted for an invention which is a product or process that provides a new way/idea of doing something or offers a new technical solution to a problem The Patent Act 1983 provides for registration of invention The item would be able to patent is a technological advancement such as machinery, equipment, handicraft, articles, tools & material. It gives an inventor exclusive use of his/ her invention. Patent registration adds value to the invention. Most investor are more willing to invest in the invention. Patent is protected 20 years of the date filing If a competitor copy your patented invention, you can act with the backing from the laws.
ACTIVITY Describe the procedure to register intellectual property of a product Explain the function of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act.