Physical Education Orientation Day Mrs. Pfeifer Mr. Hart Mr. Numrich
Materials Needed T-Shirt/Sweatshirt Shorts/Sweats White Socks Tennis Shoes Deodorant (Personal Hygiene) No Glass/Plastic Containers Towels or Body Wipes CLOTHES GO HOME ON FRIDAYS
One Non-suit per Trimester Without a Lunch Detention Non-Suits One Non-suit per Trimester Without a Lunch Detention 1st Time = -5 Points, Handout, and Call Home. 2nd Time = -10 Points, Call Home, and Lunch Detention. 3rd Time and Up = -20 Points, Call Home, Lunch Detention, Sent to In House/Office (Possible Class Failure).
GMS Class Expectations Be Responsible Follow adult directions. Use appropriate voice level. Keep locker room and gym clean. Act in a safe manner all the time during class. Be Respectful Listen to adults and peers when they are talking. KHFOOTY (Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself). Take care of all equipment in class. Be Ready Come prepared for P.E. with all necessary materials. Come to class on time. Have a positive attitude for learning.
Locker Room Expectations Voice level 2 Stay near your locker when changing Clean up area before leaving Always act in a safe manner Lock up your personal items Wait for bell/teacher for dismissal
INTERVENTIONS Strike One, Strike Two, Strike Three YOU’RE OUT Strike One = Warning Strike Two = Timeout Strike Three = Sent out of Class, to in house for refection, or to the office
Grades 50% = Active Participation 30% = CSA Knowledge 20% = CSA Skill
Health Issues Medicals Doctors excuse on file Parents Note Excused for one class Other Health Concerns Asthma Bee Stings Injuries
Bathroom Privileges Use the bathroom before leaving the locker room Emergencies
Emergency Procedures Fire Drill Tornado Drill Lock Down