Welcome to Middle School! 2017-2018
Who are we? Mr. Brew – Social Studies Mrs. Smith - ELA Srta. Kraemer - Spanish Ms. Duffy – Math Ms. May-Olson – Science Mrs. Dahlheimer - Religion Mrs. Kirby - Algebra Concepts Mrs. Miller - 6th-8th Accelerated Math
How do you feel? It’s OK to be confused – confusion rocks! Almost everyone is nervous – some people just don’t admit it. You will make mistakes. That’s OK. We’re here to help.
Who can help? Your homebase teacher is your “advocate” We want to help you If you are confused, it’s OK to ask for help Other students are your “shepherds” Older students can help you, too. They were your age once! You are part of the MS team now
In the morning Go to your locker right away Get unpacked and ready for your two specialists classes Make sure you are in uniform! Be in homebase by 7:55am Middle School Advisory until 8:10am Dismiss HB after prayer, pledge, and lunch count. You’ll go directly to your specialists (no locker visits)
Changing Classes You will have 3 minutes The bells will ring to let you know Bring only what you actually need for the class you are attending Leave all extra stuff in your locker Leave your backpack in the locker
Planners Take your planner to ALL of your classes Write down assignments before leaving class You will need to sign out when leaving the classroom
Chromebook Keep in case at all times Keep zipped up when moving to classes or in classroom No Chromebooks from 7:55 - 8:10 during MS Advisory No computer games unless OK’d by a teacher Never leave it unattended in the hallway Charge it nightly
Locks Keep your combination secret You will have a lock from us. Always lock your locker at the end of the day. Use only the locker and the lock you have been assigned. If you can’t open your lock, tell a teacher!
Yet Lab Study Hall Quiet study hall Organization chromebook folders email PowerSchool Make up tests / retest Make appointment with a teacher for help
Vocab Lab Vocabulary and spelling Tested every 3rd class time words handed out + activity correct test Words will be from all your classes
Dismissal Be in your homebase when the bell rings K-3 carpool - meet by Ms. May-Olson’s room and she will dismiss you 4-8 carpool - meet by Ms. Duffy’s room and she will dismiss you Bus - meet at back stairwell and Mr. Brew will dismiss you Sports & Study Hall - go to Ms. May-Olson’s room and wait to be picked up by coach or teacher
Fix It Ticket Used for not following school rules Will be completed and emailed out that day before you leave school to homebase teacher parents principal
Questions? Bring a snack to have after specialists
A great year starts on Tuesday! Thank you for coming! A great year starts on Tuesday!