SHIRLEY C. HEIM MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENT ORIENTATION Program for Parents of Rising Sixth Grade Students Ms. Mary Grace McGraw Principal Mr. Jim Grayson Assistant Principal Mr. Jeffrey Jones
Middle school will offer your child opportunities to: learn new concepts and build skills begin selecting classes and activities that interest them use various talents be more responsible and organized learn self-discipline begin to think about the future make new friends
In sixth grade, students will: change classes maintain an academic locker adjust to several teachers experience different students in each class be given more responsibilities
Sixth Grade Courses: (required) Mathematics English Science U.S. History Physical Education
Elective Course Selection Chorus Orchestra Band Drama/Art These classes are everyday in 6th grade.
Elective Course Selection Orchestra and Band Students – students will do a instrument fitting in the Spring to see if that is an option they want. Elective Schedule: Drama/Art, Band, Orchestra, Chorus (Choose 1 of these 4). Approx. 42 minutes everyday
Band Chorus Orchestra
Physical Education Art Drama: Aladdin Jr.
The Wheel and PE (X/Y) Every 6th grade student will have a chance to experience “The Wheel.” You will take 1 wheel class each quarter opposite of PE. Health, Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS), Computer Education, Technology Education Physical Education will be every other day. These classes will be on the X/Y schedule.
Exploratory Wheel: (rotate every 9 weeks) Health Computer Solutions Intro to Technology Family and Consumer Sciences I
Computer Solutions Health
Family and Consumer Sciences Intro. to Technology Family and Consumer Sciences
Sample Schedule 1st – English (8:21 – 9:48) 2nd – History (X Day)* Science (Y Day)* (9:51 – 11:18) 3rd – Math (11:21 – 12:48) Lunch (12:51 – 1:17) 4th – Band (1:20 – 2:02) P.E. (X Day)* FACS (Y Day)* (2:05 – 2:47) * Every other day classes which means X or Y.
Pack Time (Enrichment and Intervention) Pack Time is 30 minute period of time on Tuesdays through Fridays. We divide the school year into 3 Pack Time sessions. Every student has the opportunity to select an enrichment class during the first session of Pack Time. These courses may include: Creative Crafts; Chess Club; History at the Movies; or Exploring Fitness. These courses are designed by teachers based on their expertise and interests. During the second and third session of Pack Time, students may be selected to take an intervention course in math or reading based on data from school assessments. Pack Time is between 1st and 2nd block for 30 minutes.
Some Activities for Sixth Grade Students: HOWL – Heim Original Wolf Literature Student Ambassadors Yearbook Wolf News Network Middle School Athletics (Excluding Football) Intramurals Battle of the Books FBLA/FCCLA Various clubs
Middle School Experiences
Typical Concerns Expressed By Sixth Grade Students: Learning the building Following a schedule Changing classes Getting adjusted to new teachers Completing/turning in work Making new friends Encountering other students Dealing with a locker
Reasons to See the Counselor Family/friend conflicts Self-esteem Divorce/separation Deployment Death/serious illness Grades/study habits Anxiety Goal setting Peer pressure Anger/self-control Suicide/self-injury
Suggestions for Parents and Guardians: Monitor the agenda for recorded homework and messages DAILY. Check Regularly check your child’s grades using ParentVue on SYNERGY. Communicate regularly with teachers for child’s progress. Periodically check notebooks, backpacks, and if your child needs more supplies. Review and discuss progress reports. Review your child’s locker contents. Share your email address and any other pertinent phone numbers with your child’s teachers. “Open the door” for discussions about social, academic, or emotional experiences. Participate in your child’s learning. Set the tone for positive achievement. Familiarize yourself with progress report and report card dates (This can be found on the back of the Approved SCPS School Calendar). Familiarize yourself with the Code of Conduct, BYOT policy, and the cell phone policy for middle school.
How can you help your rising sixth grader with “transition” anxiety? Invite discussion with neighbors, family members, or older students about middle school experiences or share your own. Review pamphlets or literature given by the school. Practice with a master-lock at home to familiarize how to use a lock for lockers.
Transition “Alerts” “independence” and “identity” issues experiments with language, behavior, and limit testing signs of anxiety or feelings of being overwhelmed stress related to peer interactions organization of time and materials suspicious statements
Summer Preparation Visit the library. Visit educational places. Keep mind and body active. Set short and long term goals for next school year and/or keep a journal. Correspond with relatives/friends about middle school. Gather basic school materials and supplies.
We Can Work Together To Make The Transition A Success! Cooperative efforts between home and school are essential for the successful education of children. Volunteer to help during school functions.
Final Notes… Middle school is an exciting time in your child’s life. Numerous opportunities and challenges will present themselves. It is a time that your child will experience tremendous growth emotionally, socially, academically, and physically. Your interest, support, guidance, understanding, and love will be greatly needed.
Shirley C. Heim Faculty and Staff Welcome Timberwolf Families!! Shirley C. Heim Faculty and Staff