Why Do We Have Procedures? Classroom Procedures Why Do We Have Procedures? * A procedure is the way that we do things. To do things efficiently, we have to follow some simple procedures. * For example: To open your locker, you have to dial your combination as directed by the lock manufacturer. To cook a delicious meal, you need to follow the steps in the recipe. To place a call on your phone, you need to dial the number in the right order. * So, to be successful in learning, you need to follow some simple procedures.
Entering the Classroom Bring all materials necessary Enter quietly Copy homework into planner Read the screen and follow the directions Begin warm-up
During Instruction Listen to the teacher with full attention. Talking or whispering is not allowed. Ask permission to speak by raising your hand. Ask questions related to the topic.
While You are Working If you do not understand the material or question, ask for help from your table partner. If they also do not understand, ask the teacher to explain it. Talking to each other should be no louder than a whisper and lesson specific. LOOK, LEAN, WHISPER. The person sitting on the other side of the room should not be interrupted by your noise. Use your time wisely. Put forth your best effort to finish your work on time.
Coming to Attention A statement - “Ladies and gentlemen, mouths closed, eyes on me” OR a bell Mrs. Briggs’ hand raised in the air Students’ hands raised in the air Directions given
When You are Tardy If you hear the bell ring and you do not have BOTH FEET in the room, you are tardy. I will mark you tardy when taking attendance and the school tardy policy will be enforced.
When You are Absent You’ll have to make up most of the work you missed from when you were gone. Collect missing assignments from the “If You Were Absent” tray for your hour Complete assignment and write “absent” near the heading. You have one day to complete the assignment for each day you were absent. Turn completed assignment into your class hour’s drawer.
Moving About the Room Moving about the room should be kept to a minimum and done discreetly. Push in your chair. Use the path of least interference Sharpening of pencils Do before class or during work time, not during instruction One person at the pencil sharpener at a time HINT: Carry 4-5 pencils in a pencil pouch and this shouldn’t be a problem for you! Getting a tissue Excuse yourself from the classroom if necessary Throwing away trash Please do this on your way out after class, not during class time
Hall Passes Fill out the date on a pass in your planner. Place your planner on the top tray on my desk. Take the hall pass of the appropriate color based on where you’re headed. Return the hall pass and collect your planner when you return. (Make sure your pass has been signed). One student may use the hall pass at a time.
When You Finish Early Check your work and the directions one more time to see if you missed anything or did something incorrectly. Read silently or choose any of the other activities on the poster (on the front left bulletin board) until we move on.
Turning Papers In Papers should be turned in face-up with your name in the upper right-hand corner, to the drawer with your hour on it. This should be done before the bell rings. (There will be a reminder of what assignments to turn in written on the overhead.) Please do not take anyone else’s paper out of the turn-in drawer for any reason. Messy, crumpled, ripped, or torn papers will not be accepted. Take PRIDE in your work! If you do not have your homework, you can turn it in the next day with a late pass and still earn full credit. (You have two late passes per marking period – use them wisely and don’t lose them!)
Leaving the Classroom Return all lesson materials to their proper location. Clean your work area and take all garbage to the trash can. Wait quietly until you are dismissed by Mrs. Briggs. The bell does not dismiss you; it is a reminder for your teachers. After you get permission to leave, push in your chair and leave quietly.
Redoing Homework Collect yellow “Redo” form. Complete the yellow form. Redo the homework assignment. Turn in the yellow form attached to the original assignment and the redone assignment.
If You Forgot a Pencil Ask a neighbor if you can borrow his/her pencil for the hour. Check the “pencil cup” (blue cup) near the turn-in drawers for a pencil to borrow for the hour. If you ask three people and no one can lend you a pencil, ask Mrs. Briggs. You will need to leave collateral with me (i.e. a shoe) so that I can be sure the pencil will be returned.
When to Check Out Classroom Library Books Check out a classroom library book before the bell rings if you will need to use it for that hour. It is also appropriate to check out books after you have finished and re-checked the assignment for the day.
Going to the Media Center or Computer Lab You are expected to walk silently (voice level 0) in the hallway, as other classes are in session. When we travel as a class to the media center or computer lab, please go straight to our destination without stopping at your locker, the bathroom, or the drinking fountain.
Saying “Please” and “Thank You” Use “Please” and “Thank You” in all aspects of life - these little words carry a lot of weight!
Taking PRIDE Put forth your best effort to be friendly, helpful, do your best work, and to finish your work on time. Be proud of what you say, do, and turn in. Everything you do represents who you are!