Active Shooter Situational Awareness Integrity…Fairness…Service Active Shooter Situational Awareness Lieutenant Robert McCullough Commander, Homeland Security Baltimore County Police Department
Goals To define and understand your role as it relates to situational awareness/active shooter. To examine what we already know about active shooters. To discuss how to respond to an active shooter situation. To discuss what to expect when police and other first responders arrive.
We Will Never Forget
What Is Situational Awareness? Definition: Situational awareness involves being aware of what is happening in the environment, in order to understand how information, events, and one's own actions will impact both immediate and future outcomes. Situational Awareness is the ability to identify, process, and comprehend the critical elements of information about what is occurring or about to occur. Simply, it’s knowing what is going on around you. As leaders, it is your responsibility to know what is happening in your workplace.
What is an active shooter? Definition: An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area, typically through the use of firearms.
What are some of the suspicious things you see on a daily basis?
How do you respond? Why?
What Is Your Role? Be Vigilant (Be Present & Observe) Intervene Early (Use Resources) Notify and Communicate Document Take Control Follow-up
Who is in charge when your not around?
What Do We Know About School Shooters? There is not a “profile” of a school shooter-instead the students who carried out the attacks differed from one another in numerous ways. School shootings are rarely impulsive acts. They are typically thought out and planned in advance. Prior to most school shootings other students knew the shooting was going to occur, but failed to notify an adult. Very few of the attackers ever directed threats to their targets before the attack. The most common goal was retribution. Source: The FBI School Shooter Quick Reference Guide, BAU-1
What We Know? (Continued) The justifications and excuses offered indicated that the attacks stemmed not from an absence of values but from a well developed value system in which violence was acceptable. In many cases, other students were involved in the attack in some capacity. Many offenders experienced a significant personal loss in the months leading up to the attack, such as death, breakup, or divorce in the family. Many offenders repeatedly watched/played violent media. Be aware of online videos, blogs, & social networking. Source: The FBI School Shooter Quick Reference Guide, BAU-1
Threat Assessment 11 Key Questions What are the student’s motive(s) and goals? Have there been any communications suggesting ideas or intent to attack? Has the student shown inappropriate interest in school attacks, weapons, and/or mass violence? Has the student engaged in any attack related behaviors? Does the student have the capacity to carry out an act of targeted violence? Is the student experiencing hopelessness, desperation, and/or despair? Source: U.S. Secret Service, 2002.
Threat Assessment 11 Key Questions (Continued) Does the student have a trusting relationship with at least one responsible adult? Does the student see violence as an acceptable or desirable way to solve problems? Is the student’s version of events consistent with his/her actions? Are other people concerned about the student’s potential for violence? What circumstances might affect the likelihood of an attack? (Multiple Indicators v. Single Severe Event) Source: U.S. Secret Service, 2002.
Dynamics to Look At Family Social Dynamics Student’s/Parent’s Personality School Disciplinary History Academic Performance Prior Intervention/Incident(s)
How Should You Respond? (Generally) Always be aware of your environment and any possible dangers. Take note of the nearest exits in any facility your inside. If you are in an office, stay there and secure the door. Attempt to take the active shooter down as a very last resort. Source: Department of Homeland Security, Active Shooter 2008.
BCPS Critical Response & School Emergency Safety Guide What Should You Do? Call 911 Notify SRO (if assigned) Lockdown/Stay Put will be announced. Staff members should ensure that everyone is evacuated from hallways, restrooms, locker rooms, storage and other areas. Students in all other areas will remain there under direction of staff. Provide assistance to persons requiring special assistance. BCPS Critical Response & School Emergency Safety Guide
What Should You Do? (Continued) Close and secure all doors and windows, pull down/close blinds, and cut off lights. Students are to sit under their desks or tables and out of view from all windows and doors. Do not leave the room for any reason. Stay quiet and await further instruction. Office staff shall lock lobby & other office doors. *** Make sure all cell phones and electronic devices are silenced. *** Furniture can be used to barricade doorways. BCPS Critical Response & School Emergency Safety Guide
Sheltering in Place versus Evacuation ?
Baltimore County Police & Fire Personnel Will Respond Quickly
Police Tactical Team
What To Expect When Police & Other First Responders Arrive Remain calm & follow instructions. Identify yourself to police. Put down items in your hands. Raise hands and spread fingers. Keep hands visible at all times. Avoid quick movements towards officers. Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling. Do not stop officers for help or directions. Medics will be sent in when safe to do so. Department Homeland Security, Active Shooter-How to Respond
Information To Provide Location of the active shooter Number of shooters Detailed physical description of shooter(s) Number and type of weapons held by shooter(s) Number of potential victims at the location Department Homeland Security, Active Shooter-How to Respond
Expect Recovery To Take A Long Time
THE END Thank You!