What is life like in china?
What are the cars like in China? In China the cars are very similar to ours. However because there are lots of people in China and the streets get congested very easily, lots of people travel around by electric bike or scooters.
What are the roads like in China? As there is a lot of traffic in China, the roads are very busy and can be a challenge to cross safely. Scooters, rickshaws, bikes, pedestrians and cars seem to come at you from all directions. During busy times they need traffic police to supervise the crossing.
What are the roads like in China? The congestion causes a lot of pollution and many people ride around the streets wearing face masks. Many people also ride their bikes with their hands in a blanket which keeps them warm and protects their clothing.
What are the shops like in China? In China the shops are very similar to those we have here. They have big shopping centres with lots of department stores selling designer fashion and jewellery, smaller stores along the roads and in the old part of the town, they had smaller shops and market stalls selling souvenirs and more traditional items.
What are the shops like in China?
What kind of places do people live in? As the population of China is so big (1,393,783,836) the majority of Chinese people live in blocks of flat. Coming out of Shanghai, one of the biggest cities, towers blocks line each side of the road and stretch as far as the eye can see.
What kind of places do people live in? People need to hang out their washing on special racks if they want them to dry naturally.
What kind of places do people live in? Some people are lucky enough to live in houses such as a Siheyuan which is a traditional Han house of the Zhou Dynasty. It’s composed of an enclosed square yard surrounded with the house on four or three sides. On our first night in Yangzhou we went to dinner at one of the teacher’s houses and they lived in this type of house. It was very beautiful.
Do Chinese people have pets? Although Chinese people still eat dog meat, dogs are the most popular pets to keep. They have designer clothing for pets. They pay for spa treatments for their dogs and dye their fur unnatural colours. Cats have been pets in Chinese families for a long time. The main purpose of keeping cats was to let the cat catch mice. As there are less and less mice and more and more dogs, cats are not as popular any more. We did however find this little fellow fast asleep on a shop counter. Fish and birds are also popular pets to keep.