Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture.


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Presentation transcript:

Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. Practice outputs Iain Scott Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. ‘Mobility, Mood & Place’ Exhibition at British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference 5th-8th July 2016 at the MacRobert Art Centre in Stirling. Mobility, Mood and Place exhibition at the MacRobert Arts Centre in Stirling.

Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. Practice outputs Iain Scott Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. ‘Mobility, Mood & Place’ Exhibition at Scottish Architecture and Design Centre, 1st-9th of October at the Lighthouse, Glasgow. Mobility, Mood and Place exhibition at the Lighthouse, Glasgow.

Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. Practice outputs Iain Scott Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. ‘Mobility, Mood & Place’ Exhibition at MMP Conference. 11th-14th October 2016 at the John McIntyre Centre in Edinburgh. Mobility, Mood and Place exhibition at the John McIntyre Centre in Edinburgh.

Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. Section 01 Output Mobility, Mood and Place Exhibition BSG Conference, Stirling University 5th- 8th of July. Scottish Architecture & Design Centre, Glasgow, 1st-9th October. MMP Conference, John McIntyre Centre, Edinburgh. 11th-14th October. Mobility, Mood and Place is a cross-university collaborative research project which investigates the relationship between older people and the built environment. Three discrete work packages have investigated the age friendly co-design of urban and rural environments, mapped older people’s emotional responses to moving through the city, utilising neural imaging technology and ethnographic methods and studied the effect of particular urban places on people’s health over a lifetime. Work package 1 has engaged older people with students of Architecture and Landscape in research activities and co-design exercises based in Copenhagen, Manchester, London and the island of Orkney. The exhibition principally documents the results of Work package 1, led by Iain Scott, called ‘Co-Created Environments’. Project methodologies, case study design projects and age friendly conclusions are all presented.   Iain Scott Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. ‘Mobility, Mood & Place’ Exhibition at BSG Conference, Lighthouse & MMP Conference. 5th-8th July, 1st-9th October and 11th-14th October 2016.

Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. Iain Scott Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. ‘Mobility, Mood & Place’ Exhibition at BSG Conference, Lighthouse & MMP Conference. 5th-8th July, 1st-9th October and 11th-14th October 2016. Section 02 Originality: New Knowledge New knowledge takes analytical, methodological and design based forms. Findings summarised in the exhibition have been presented by the MMP team in journal papers and conference contributions over the course of the last three years. Key Analytical Findings Include: Older people expressed a desire to see the older artefacts of the city, including buildings and infrastructure, given new life by propositions which reveal the layers of history of built form as a way of uncovering richer spatial, cultural and social narratives of a longer duration. Methodological Findings: Methodological Insights from the three years of MMP is being disseminated through a tool-kit detailing an ‘A-Z of Age Friendly Co-Design’, highlighting a compendium of approaches to be considered in designing engagements with older people. The A-Z forms part of this exhibition. Targeted at designers, user groups, community groups and policymakers the tool-kit will provide a shorthand guide to key issues to consider, along with references to further published material. Design outcomes include: Speculations on the design of the edges of public space to allow older people to ‘rest, retreat and regard’ (see image), and the co-dependence of pathway networks and buildings in the age friendly rural landscape.   ‘Rest, Retreat and Regard’ from ‘Rooting Traces and Spatial Transformation in the Fragmented Garden City.’ Deansgate, Manchester. Knight, Sharpe & Phillips.

Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. Iain Scott Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. ‘Mobility, Mood & Place’ Exhibition at BSG Conference, Lighthouse & MMP Conference. 5th-8th July, 1st-9th October and 11th-14th October 2016. Section 03 Rigour: A Process of Investigation.  What we know: WHO Age Friendly Cities guidance and other sources for instance ‘An Alternative Age Friendly Handbook’ produced by the RIBA, Age UK, Age Friendly Manchester - and other sources. Knowledge tends to be presented as a checklist which is universal. Designers require to have knowledge of the issues and to investigate through research how these issues become particularised or transformed by place specificity. Over the course of three years we developed through an iterative process a series of research engagements which would operate at five distinct scales of City, Neighbourhood, Building, Space and Body. Research methods employed to operate at the scale of the City and the Neighbourhood included environment and behaviour research methods intended to provide a deeper understanding of place through the eyes of an older inhabitant, along with co-design exercises entitled ‘Save It/ Change It!...Design It!...Share It’! Home based research methods devised to provide insights for designers at the more intimate scales were developed following analysis of literature on the determinants of satisfaction in relation to residential environments amongst older adults and the essential components of an age friendly city found in the World Health Organisation’s ‘Global Age Friendly Cities: A Guide’ (2007) City Neighbourhood Building Space Body Five Scales

Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. Iain Scott Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. ‘Mobility, Mood & Place’ Exhibition at BSG Conference, Lighthouse & MMP Conference. 5th-8th July, 1st-9th October and 11th-14th October 2016. Section 04 Significance: Effective Sharing  Various findings communicated through the exhibitions have been disseminated by the Mobility, Mood and Place – Co-Created Environments team through various vehicles internationally. 1 presentation to Scottish Parliament’s Cross Party Group on Older People, Age and Ageing. 2 key knowledge exchange outputs (A-Z of Co-design & Design exhibition). 3 science festival events. 4 papers (5th & 6th under review). 6 national and international conferences. 7 co-design sessions (Manchester, London, Edinburgh & Orkney). 63 (approx.) architecture and landscape architecture students involved as co-researchers. 80 (approx.) diverse older adults participated in our work.

Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. Iain Scott Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. ‘Mobility, Mood & Place’ Exhibition at BSG Conference, Lighthouse & MMP Conference. 5th-8th July, 1st-9th October and 11th-14th October 2016. Section 04 Significance: Effective Sharing  Insert here further dissemination activities to be undertaken as part of Impact Acceleration grant from January to April. Include House of lords reception and activities at European Parliament in Brussels.

Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. Appendix 1 (Related Publications by I. Scott only included). Journal Papers (Published) Brookfield, K., Fitzsimons, C., Scott, I., Mead, G., Starr, J., Thin, N., Tinker, A. and Ward Thompson, C. 2015. ‘The home as enabler of more active lifestyles among older people’, Building Research & Information doi: 10.1080/09613218.2015.1045702 Journal Papers (Under review) Brookfield, K. Ward Thompson, C and Scott, I. 2017. ‘The Uncommon Impact of Common Environmental Details on Walking in Older Adults’. Submitted to International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Scott, I. 2017. ‘Co-Designing Age Friendly Cities: A Report on Collaboration between Older People and Students of Architecture’. Submitted to MDPI Arts Journal. Iain Scott Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. ‘Mobility, Mood & Place’ Co-Design Knowledge Exchange workshops. 7th July and 14th October 2016.

Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. Appendix 1 (Related Publications by I. Scott only included). Conference Presentations. Mobility, Mood and Place: Age-friendly environments Presented by Catharine Ward Thompson and Iain Scott at the Mobility, Mood and Place: Habitats for Happy and Healthy Ageing conference. Edinburgh, UK. October 2016. The involvement of older people in the design of environments Presented by Anthea Tinker at the ISG 10th World Conference of Gerontechnology. Nice, France. September 2016. The abstract for this paper appears in ‘The one page paper collection of the 10th World Conference on Gerontechnology’, a supplement to Gerontechnology (2016, vol 15, No 3). Attributed to MMP team. Co-design: a report on collaboration between older people and students of architecture. Presented by Iain Scott at the Challenges and Best Practice in Co-Production conference. Sheffield, UK. May 2016. Mobility, Mood and Place: Co-Created Environments Presented by Iain Scott at the Scottish Housing and Support Conference in Edinburgh. October 2016 Iain Scott Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture. ‘Mobility, Mood & Place’ Co-Design Knowledge Exchange workshops. 7th July and 14th October 2016.