English Hon 9b, Day 04 * Thurs/Fri In yer notebook . . . #10 Choose your own poem explication . . . (we will finish this during class today) 11. Haiku The poetic form of a haiku is a traditional Japanese poem celebrating the goodness of nature and its seasons. It is 3 lines, written with syllable count 5-7-5. Write a NEW haiku = NATURE = GOOD (diff. from one you may have written last week). IN A TRADITIONAL HAIKU NATURE = GOOD!!!!!! Haiku (nature = good) (5) Lovely butterfly (7) Fluttering above the earth (5) How fragile you are When you are done . . . Open self-selected book & REEEEAAADD
The 20th century response to the haiku was the invention of the LOWKU. In yer notebook . . . 11. Haiku - Lowku The 20th century response to the haiku was the invention of the LOWKU. It bemoans the beginning of climate decay and negative environmental effects of industrialized nations. It is 3 lines, written with syllable count 5-7-5. Write a lowku. Think of nature “gone bad.” Climate change Natural disasters Animal endangerment Pollution (of any kind – factory, car, rivers, oceans, etc.) Lowku (nature “gone bad”) (5) The sky is yellow (7) The air burns my eyes and lungs (5) Pollution alert
Reminder of expectations
Upcoming Due Dates B = 30 A B Ms. T = absent A = 6 B = 13 typed current event exploration # 1 due 12 p.m. w/ Works Cited entries = 1 Ms. T = absent A = 6 typed current event exploration # 2 due 12 p.m. w/ Works Cited entries = 2 B = 13 typed current event exploration # 3 due 12 p.m. w/ Works Cited entries = 3 SAT = BSU STEM festival
You are working on . . . Reading Self-Selected Book (audio books are awesome . . . But your SSB should be in print or digital – requires diff brain activity and comprehension skills) Due Wed, noon = CECE 2 w/ 2 works cited entries Get a folder for poetry portfolio (due date TBD) Notebook cover (due date TBD) Poetry terms (vocab) definitions (due date TBD)
~*~Table of Contents~*~ CECE Review What is Poetry? You’re a poet Goals Intelligence Test Friendly 4-square 7. The Stonecutter #8 Dueling Poets # 9 Poetry Explication #10 Choose your own poem explication . . . 11. Haiku - Lowku I know, I know . . . We didn’t finish 10 . . . Now we will . . . Remember yer pard’ner???
Poetry Explication It is like annotating a poem . . . But specific and focused. . . .
Choose your own poem explication . . . Get one of the class textbooks for each person. Select ANY poem in the book. (see the list in front of book on pp xviii and xix) Write down title (remember quotation marks), author, and page #
In yer notebooks . . . #10 Choose your own poem explication . . . At the top of the page write Our Poem Title: “ ” (poetry titles go in “ ”) Our Poem Author: Our Poem Page #: Number your paper 1-20, skipping lines. Go to the back of page if necessary.
1 - Form Free verse Concrete poem Stanza Couplet Quatrain * Write complete sentences, showing that you UNDERSTAND each of the terms. This is/is not a free verse poem because . . . . This is / is not a concrete poem because . . .
Provide examples whenever you can!!!! 2 Sound Repetition Alliteration Onomatopoeia Rhyme Rhyme scheme Rhythm (meter) Provide examples whenever you can!!!! There is REPETITION in this poem. An example of repetition is ________________________. There is ALLITERATION in this poem . . . .
Provide examples whenever you can!!!! 3 Language Imagery Personification Simile Metaphor Hyperbole Provide examples whenever you can!!!! 12. There is IMAGERY in this poem. I get a picture in my mind when it says ________________________. 13. There is PERSONIFICATION in this poem . . . .
Provide examples whenever you can!!!! 4 Meaning Title Theme Lyric poem (heavy emotion) Narrative poem (story) Provide examples whenever you can!!!! 17. The title of the poem helps me to understand the meaning of this poem because ________________. 18. The theme of the poem is ___________________, which helps me understand the meaning of the poem because . . . .
What do you call a group of giraffes? A tower
Closing thoughts . . . = prob more than 50 words In yer notebook . . . When you are done, read silently until the end of the period!! #12 Poem about a collective Read through the list of collective nouns (names for groups of animals). Find ONE that strikes you as particularly interesting or odd. This becomes the TITLE of your poem (i.e., “A Tower of Giraffes”). Write a poem (at least 10 lines) about the collective. Apply at least 6 poetry terms (you have 20 to pick from). Label your terms.
You are working on . . . Reading Self-Selected Book (audio books are awesome . . . But your SSB should be in print or digital – requires diff brain activity and comprehension skills) Due Wed, noon = CECE 2 w/ 2 works cited entries Get a folder for poetry portfolio (due date TBD) Notebook cover (due date TBD) Poetry terms (vocab) definitions (due date TBD)