A MAN WHO IS A GODLY MAN This lesson begins a series on the home and family Starting at place where there has been greatest breakdown in home & family: THE MAN
A MAN WHO IS A GODLY MAN IS MASCULINITY ONLY PHYSICAL See… “if ye can find a man” Ezek 22:30; Jer 5:1; Gen 1:27 God gave man role of leadership 1Tim 2:11-15; Eph 5:23; 1Pet 3:7; Gen 3:17-19; Gen 3:16; 1Tim 5:14 Some men had everything physically but were weaklings Jud 14, 15, 16; 1Sam 15:11-23; 2Sam 14-18 Some males are not real men - physical appearance is not everything 1Tim 5:7,8; 1Cor 9:27
A MAN WHO IS A GODLY MAN SHOW THYSELF A MAN 1Kings 2:1-3 Supreme quality of manhood is strength of a noble character Examples: Joseph Gen 37, 39 Daniel Dan 1 Moses Ex 2; Acts 7:20-22; Heb 11:24-27 Activity is involved in manhood - being in control of one’s emotions rather than allowing emotions to control 1Pet 2:11
A MAN WHO IS A GODLY MAN YOUR BODY - ASSET OR LIABILITY? Must have proper attitudes Body is temple of Holy Ghost 1Cor 6:19; Psa 139:14 Self-mastery is a mark of maturity 1Cor 9:24-27 The undisciplined is of no real value Rom 12:1-2; Gal 5:19-26; 2Cor 5:10 Self-discipline is determining factor Heb 13:4
A MAN WHO IS A GODLY MAN Crying need today in the church, families, and countries - is for MEN, real men, godly men. Men who have courage of convictions and strength of character to act like men Need men who take seriously their roll as leaders and providers Until men accept their God given responsibility, then the church and country will continue to suffer because the family will not be what God designed and as the family goes so goes the church and country