What was Frog Island like in WW2?
Before we went, we learnt about a pupil who went to Slater during WWII Before we went, we learnt about a pupil who went to Slater during WWII. It was really interesting discovering the places she went to. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ww2peopleswar/stories/65/a3821465.shtml
We then went on a walk and talked about the places she visited We then went on a walk and talked about the places she visited. We couldn’t believe their used to be a train line near school! Miss Rowland is glad she doesn’t have to teach over the noise of a steam train!
We then looked for more evidence of this railway line and even found the old station!
Did you know their used to be lots of factories in Frog Island? Mrs Tester worked in this one (a little after WWII).
Even though these are offices now, we think Mary Parsons may have lived in a house like this as a child. In school we looked at maps and worked out the area she may have lived in based on her recount.
Finally we went to the museum and saw some items saved from WWII Leicester. We had a lovely day!