How maps change over time Francisci WG.1d
How do Maps reflect changes over time? Our Knowledge Changes: 1. Maps from Christopher Columbus’ time vs. today’s satellite technology. 2. GIS (Geographic Information System) can layer many different aspects of a map. 3. Bias: Interpreting and judging phenomena, event, places and people in terms particular to one’s own culture.
How do Maps reflect changes over time? Place Names Change: Ex. Formosa →Taiwan →Republic of China Ex. Palestine→Israel→West Bank→Gaza
How do Maps reflect changes over time? Political Boundaries Change Ex. Africa 1914 Africa 1990s
How do Maps reflect changes over time? Political Boundaries Change Europe Before WWII (1939) Europe After WWII (1949) Europe Today
How do Maps reflect changes over time? Political Boundaries Change Soviet Union after WWII Russia today
How do Maps reflect changes over time? People’s Perspectives of Names also Change Examples: Arabian Gulf vs. Persian Gulf Sea of Japan vs. East Sea Middle East vs. North Africa and Southwest Asia A name that a person uses for a particular location is based on their bias.
How do Maps reflect changes over time? Disputed Areas Examples: Korea – land disputes between North and South. Western Sahara – being claimed by Morocco. Former Yugoslavia – disputes between ethnic groups. Kashmir – claimed by India, Pakistan and China.
Early Maps of the world
Ptolemy (150 AD)
Al-Idrisi's World Map (1145)
Christian Faith (1300)
Waldseemuller's Universalis Cosmographia (1507)
Mercator's World Map (1569)
Blaeu's Atlas maior (1662)
Mackinder's 'Geographical Pivot of History' (1904)
Google Earth (2005)