Complete Geometry Unit Includes: 1 Unit Test, 4 Quizzes Included Lessons – 25 Pages: Review of Prerequisite Skills Length of a Line Segment Midpoints Equation of a Circle Equation of a Line Medians Verifying Shapes Medians, Bisectors and Altitude Distance from a Point to a Line
How the lessons are structured Each lesson builds on the previous which continually reinforces concepts. Each lesson contains a teacher and student version. The student version contains blanks where students fill-in important information or answer questions. All blanks on the student versions are completely filled in, bolded and slightly enlarged on the teacher version. This ensures your students are engaged throughout the lesson without requiring them to copy everything down leaving more time for problems and discussion.
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Quizzes, Worksheets and a Test The unit includes the following along with their answer keys: 1 Unit Test 4 Quizzes 5 Worksheets As well, all lessons can be found in Word and PDF formats.
Lesson 1: Review of Prerequisite Skills Square Roots Perfect Squares Pythagorean Theorem Slope 3 pages 2 fully worked example questions
Lesson 2: Length of a Line Segment Types of triangles Finding the length of line segments using the Pythagorean theorem Includes – Length of a Line Segment Worksheet with answer key 3 pages 3 fully worked example qeutions
Lesson 3: Midpoints Finding the Midpoint of a line 3 pages 4 fully worked example questions
Lesson 4: Equation of a Circle x2 + y2 = r2 Finding the radius of a circle 1 page 2 fully worked example questions
Lesson 5: Equation of a Line Determine the equation of a line in slope y-intercept form as well as standard form Slope for Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 4 pages 6 fully worked example questions Includes – Equation of a line worksheet with answer key
Lesson 6: Medians Review of Midpoints and Equation of a Line Medians 3 pages 1 fully worked example question Includes – Median worksheet with answers
Lesson 7: Verifying Shapes Parallelograms Triangles Determining the kind of shape based on coordinates 3 pages 2 fully worked examples Includes – Classifying shapes worksheet
Lesson 8: Comparing Medians, Bisectors and Altitude 2 pages 1 fully worked example
Lesson 9: Distance From a Point to a Line Determining the equation Solving system of two equations Point of intersection Perpendicular Lines Slope Length of a line 3 pages 2 fully worked examples Includes 2 challenging worksheets with answer key