Session: Food Security and Sustainable AgricultureExpected Session Outcomes: Update on the implementation of AfriGEOSS Agriculture Monitoring (AfriGAM) initiative Understanding of available data and systems for food security Contribution and value of EO based systems for supporting food security related policies
Session: Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture George Chirima & Terry Newby Agricultural Research Council (ARC), South Africa 2nd AfriGEOSS symposium Ghana
AfriGAM A joint activity of two GEO initiatives GEOGLAM AfriGEOSS Conceived at 1st AfriGEOSS Symposium
Why AfriGAM?-BIG Challenges Volatility in production (climatic conditions) Lack of capital investments (small-scale farmers) 65% labour in Africa is involved in Agriculture Agricultural issues are linked to broader environment issues (water, land degradation, deforestation, poverty) Soils can be good But not optimally managed Africa is no stranger from natural disasters EO technologies are there
Why AfriGAM?-BIG Challenges Despite challenges Food Production needs to increase by 70% by 2050 Information and Food Security Intelligence is needed to facilitate removal of bottle necks and reduce risks =Optimization
Information and Food Security Intelligence An area estimation system (Crop Area) A crop type identification system A yield estimation system Risk assessments An information distribution or access system
Challenges with scale GLOBAL EFFORTS EARLY WARNING CROP MONITOR 28 Feb 2016 28 March 2016 Challenges with scale
JECAM Develop monitoring and reporting protocols and best practices for a variety of global agricultural systems. 8 sites in Africa
AfriGAM ’s location in GEO
AfriGAM Purpose Generate Food Security Intelligence Co-ordinate Agriculture monitoring in Africa Share cutting edge technologies Mutual capacity development
Leverage: Sentinel 2 Open source Crop mask Crop type Phenology Validation in process Works in Africa (Mali, SA, Madagascar)
Inventory of current operational methodologies in Africa AfriGAM organisation Implementation Partners: South Africa, Kenya, Zimbabwe CIRAD, Univ. of Maryland Secretariat: (South Africa) Intern (South Africa DST) Inventory of Bulletins Inventory of current operational methodologies in Africa
Thank you!