What is Motivation? Psychologists today define motivation as a need or desire that energizes and directs behavior.
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There are four perspectives psychologists use to attempt to understand motivated behaviors. 1. instinct theory (now evolutionary perspective): organism uses instincts or complex unlearned behaviors that are rigidly patterned throughout a species to help the organism survive. Although the instinct theory does not explain human motives, it does support the theory that genes predispose species-typical behavior.
2. drive-reduction theory: the idea that a physiological need creates an arousal tension state (a drive) that motivates an organism to satisfy the need. When the need increases, the drive increases. The goal of the organism is homeostasis or a steady internal state.
Exploration Inventory Complete Handout 12-3. Add all your responses together. Your score should be between 18 and 144. Those with higher totals have a greater need for exploration.
Some psychologists believe that individual differences in desire to explore are linked to attachment style. Those demonstrating a secure attachment are much more open to exploration than are those with insecure attachment.
3. arousal theory: when all our biological needs are met, we feel driven to seek stimulation to optimum arousal (curiosity, exploration, etc). Without stimulation, we will feel bored. With too much stimulation, we can get stressed. When we feel stress, we try to look for a way to decrease arousal.
4. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: our basic physiological needs must be satisfied before we seek higher-level safety needs and then psychological needs become active. What’s level one? Physiological needs Level two? Safety needs Level Three? Belongingness and Love Level Four? Esteem Needs Level Five? Self-Actualization
Maslow recognized there are some exceptions to the order of needs: Ex.) martyrs will sacrifice life itself for an ideal Ex.) some people’s needs for respect must be satisfied before they can enter a love relationship. Please complete your Maslow’s Hierarchy 12-4 Maslow also recognized that a given need did not have to be 100% satisfied before we turn to a higher need. Our needs are only partially met at any time.
Maslow estimated for the average American: 85% of physiological needs 70% safety needs 50% belongingness and love needs 40 % of self-esteem needs 10% of self-actualization needs. How well lower needs are met determine how much those needs influence our behavior.
List all motivations people may have to attend college. Maslow did not believe that any given behavior is motivated by a single need. He contended that behavior is a result of multiple motivations.
Please complete your Self-Actualization Survey and start your Maslow homework DUE WEDNESDAY, February 6. You may handwrite your responses on a separate piece of paper, but please write legibly and NO FRINGIES!!!