October 5th, 2017
Close Lockers Correctly Straps in all the way Close and lock lockers Use your own locker
Wear Blue This Friday wear blue to show you are an ally and will do your part to stop bullying and not participate in cyberbullying.
-Order Deadline: Wed 10/11 -Pick up order forms in Office or download from School Email. -Sell to family, friends and neighbors -Turn completed forms and money into the office
At Sellwood Middle School, remember the 3 school-wide expectations: Be safe, Be respectful & Be responsible!
October is Bully Awareness Month ~Week of October 6: Make friends with someone new! Make kindness go viral. Say no to hate! ~Week of the 16th: Stand up for others! Be brave, be part of the solution. ~Week of the 23rd: Be inclusive! Invite people who are alone to join your group. Use hashtag #hereforyou to let friends and classmates that you are there for them. ~Week of the 30th ….SPIRIT WEEK! More details on this next week!