Telling a Story With Data Unit 1 Day 10
Standard 4 – Computing and Data Analysis Students will: Explain how different views of data can tell different stories Recognize that data is an incomplete record of reality Describe the limits of measurement (what can and can’t be captured in data)
Journal Entry 1-10 What do you think about when you hear the word data? (Answer the questions below:) What is it? Where can it be found? Where does it come from? Answer the questions here:
Vocab journal Entry 1-10 Data – Aggregate – Aggregate Data – Inference - Google the terms, above, and type the definitions.
activity WORD LIST DO THE ACTIVITY ON THE NEXT SLIDE, THEN ANSWER THE 2 QUESTIONS HERE: What does this data tell you about the person who lives in this room? What does the data NOT tell you? Answer the questions here:
Draw a picture of the room that is described Draw a picture of the room that is described. Include each of the items from the list. You will turn this drawing in to your period’s bin in Mrs. Young’s room as part of this assignment.
activity Return to slide 5 and answer the questions about your drawing.
Activity - Comparing Inferences What made your inferences different from another group’s? How does Data relate to this? What generalizations can you make about data and inferences? This slide must be completed in Mrs. Young’s room. Ask for the picture of the room that you need to compare your picture with. Then answer the questions above.
RESULTS? WHAT DID YOU LEARN ABOUT DATA? In relating data to making inferences: How does the type/appearance of the data make a difference? How does the amount of data collected make a difference? Answer the questions, above, AFTER you have completed slide 8 in Mrs. Young’s room.
VOCAB Journal entry 1-10 How do you use data in infer something? What is an inference? How do you use data in infer something? Explain how different people looking at the same data can infer different things. Answer the questions, above, AFTER you have completed slide 8 in Mrs. Young’s room. Answer the questions, above.
Discussion Data used to Inform a Discovery – how/when is it used? Aggregate Data – when is it used? How is it used? Data used to Inform a Discovery – how/when is it used? Answer the questions, above, AFTER you have completed slide 8 in Mrs. Young’s room.
Homework – data journal Date Time Describe what you did to generate data You will begin to complete this chart, listing at least 5 activities each day. Add rows to the chart as you need them.
Credits Created by Dawnene Young, 2015