Welcome TO Miss Goetz’s PE
Lake Hazel Middle School PE Dept. Mr Cummings 8th grade multi-fit 6th grade PE (Only here 1st – 3rd period) Mrs. Leriget 8th grade PE Lifetime sports 6th grade Mr. Neser Health Miss Goetz
Miss Goetz Expectations If you TRY YOUR BEST you will succeed in my PE class Leading by the Cherokee Way: Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible Our Mission: Dedicated to Success – I am dedicated to helping you succeed and you should also be dedicated to helping yourself succeed
PE Discipline Procedures 1st you get a “warning”, and I may ask you to sit against the wall – loss of participation points Depending on the severity – after the warning will be step referral or immediate referral
Immediate Referral Form Student goes directly to the office. Parents are notified. Loss of points for the day. Loss of privileges.
LHMS Approved Clothing All students are required to wear their own LHMS PE uniform purchased from the student store. OR Preferred colors are Grey, Black, Green or Yellow T-shirt Black, White, Grey, Green or Yellow gym shorts – school appropriate Dressing down means changing out of the clothes you wore to school and into athletic attire – we’ll get sweaty, you need to change and put something else on so you don’t stink all day Putting your PE clothes on over your school clothes will result in loss of points Be prepared for an alternative activity if you don’t dress down JEANS ARE NOT ATHLETIC – wearing jeans under PE shorts is silly – you’ll lose your points Footwear: Athletic Shoes should be worn at all times! Socks Solid color sweats & sweatshirts for when we go outside is acceptable
Issues purchasing Lake Hazel PE clothes? Bring athletic clothes from home – show me and I will approve them
Changing Expectations Students will be given 3 minutes to dress down. – a Tardy is a loss of points When you are dressed, sit down in the first or second row (in locker room) & wait to be released. Remember to lock up your locker! ***** It is your responsibility to do this if you don’t want your stuff stolen Spin it.
Locks & Locker Room Expectations Students will bring their OWN lock to put on their locker during the 1st week of school. NO KEY LOCKS! If a student can not afford a lock or have one, LHMS will provide a free lock. This is free and your responsibility to keep it clean and undamaged Students will be charged $6.00 for a lost or damaged LHMS lock. All valuables must be locked up! Students will also be fined for damaged goods. Students should not give out their locker combinations or share lockers. Please read the locker room rules. If you have any questions or issues please contact Miss Goetz
LOCKER ROOM SAFETY RULES Respect personal space by not sharing clothes or lockers. Remember: lock it up! The school district is not responsible for lost goods. Running or chasing in the locker room is prohibited! Ask for permission to enter the office, stay behind the red tape until you are asked to come in by your teacher. Food, gum, beverages & glass are prohibited in the locker room and GYM Snapping of shirts/towels at other students is prohibited. Your goal for the year is to work with your classmates to make this locker room a pleasant place for everyone. Throwing of shoes, books or other material is prohibited. Thanks from the P.E. Staff LHMS Absolutely NO Playing in the shower! At the end of the period, Please stay seated until you are excused by your teacher.
Absences An absent make-up sheet is required for each day missed. The student has 10 days to receive full credit. After the 10 days is done the student will receive half credit. Cut Off Date - the student will receive zero points as that is the deadline. This is a 20 day period to turn in make up forms. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain, complete and turn in the forms. They are located in the locker rooms and online at the LHMS web site under Lauren Goetz
Medical Excuses Parent/Doctor's note is needed to be excused for more than (3) days (daily points will be lost) Student will be active some way if he/she is not able to perform the daily activity. (ex-score keeper)
Make-up Assignment for Absence/Absences Affects Dress & Participation Grade Students Name: ___________________________________ Class Period: _______________ Circle Your Teacher: Leriget Cummings Goetz Today’s Date: _______________ Day (s) missed: ________________________ 30 minutes of physical activity for each day absent. Indicate what you did, how much time spent on the activity with parent/coach signature. It will make up points missed for participation & dress if you are absent. If unable to participate because of illness or injury, an article summary may be substituted. Article summary: Read a health or sports article from a magazine, newspaper, or the internet. Then summarize the article you read (tell what the article was about in your own words). The summary needs to be at least ½ page in length. If you know you will be absent, turn in before you leave. Name of the Activity & Number of Min/Hours Completed for each day: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Coach:____________________________ Return this to your teacher! Thank you LHMS PE Staff
Miss Goetz Grading Procedures You are given 10 points every day you come to PE If you are Tardy you lose 1 point, if it becomes an issue I will talk to you and if the behavior doesn’t change you will begin to lose 2 points for every tardy If you are not dressed in appropriate clothing (see previous slides) you will lose 5 points (the most you could get that day would be a 6/10…. That’s a “D”) Step forms – loss of points IF YOU TRY YOUR BEST YOU WILL NOT LOSE ANY POINTS! - laziness will hurt your grade! “Trying your best”, meaning you have a good attitude and participate…
34 A’s 7 C’s 4 D’s 2 F’s
Average Grade for an 8th grader in my classes 86.7%
Grading continued When we occasionally have homework assignments, tests, etc., they will be added into an additional points category. You will be well aware of when assignments and tests will be…. Don’t lose sleep over this If you bring your phone to PE you’ll be asked to put it away and you’ll lose points
After getting dressed we will get in our “squads” so I can take roll quickly If not sitting in your spot when class starts you'll be tardy and will lose points
Other business If I have a substitute teacher – ALWAYS be respectful to them. If a substitute leaves your name for a bad reason I will be calling your parents. I would love to have guests from the community to teach new games, activities, etc. If you have family or family friends that are yoga instructors, Pilates, Zumba, etc etc etc please let me know I’d LOVE to arrange for them to come!!
Thank you!!! If you have any Questions please come talk to Miss Goetz I AM NOT HERE AFTER 11:25 – I will try to be here by 8 every day, that is when a time to talk to me would be. “To do anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” – Steve Prefontaine