Atatürk University Scool of Medicine Biostatistics Department INTRODUCTION TO SPSS Prof. Dr. Hamit ACEMOĞLU Atatürk University Scool of Medicine Biostatistics Department / 27
The aim By the and of this lecture, the students will, -be aware of SPSS software program and -be prepared to use it.
The goals Be able to explain the main menu functions of IBM SPSS 20 version which are; File, Edit, View, Data, Transform, Analyze, Graphs, Utilities, Window and Help. Be able to explain the usage of data editor tab. Be able to explain the usage of output viewer tab.
SPSS software package SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) -Old name SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) -New name SPSS is a practically used statistical software which could be used also by market researchers, health researchers, survey companies, government agencies, educational researchers, marketing agencies, data miners etc. Different versions of SPSS are available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux operating systems.
Relase history of SPSS SPSS-1 1968 (by Norman H. Nie, Dale H. Bent, and C. Hadlai Hull.) 1975 (SPSS Incorporation) SPSS-2 1983 ……… SPSS-5 1993 SPSS-16 2008 SPSS Statistics 17.0.1 2008 PASW Statisticis 17.0.3 2009 ……. IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0 2010 IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0 2011 (available at our university) IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0 2015
SPSS allows us to analyze data in 3 ways; Describe data; using descriptive statistics e.g.: Frequencies, mean, minimum, maximum, standard deviation. Examine relationships; between variables e.g.: Correlation analysis, regression analysis, factor analysis. Compare groups; to determine if there are significant differances between groups e.g.: t-test, ANOVA, chi-squared test.
Types of SPSS files Data files with extension .sav or .zsav Output files with extension .spv Syntax files with extension .sps or .spsx Database Query file with extension .spq
How to deal with SPSS data? To make a new SPSS data To open an existing SPSS data To transform a file to SPSS data
The two main windows in SPSS The data editor The output viewer
Main menues In SPSS, when menus are selected and clicked, submenus open.
IBM SPSS can be used as licensed through our University
Resources would be received SPSS help menüsü
Summary 1-Relase history of SPSS 2-SPSS allows us to analyze data in 3 ways Describe data Examine relationships Compare groups 3-Types of SPSS files 4-How to deal with SPSS data? To open an existing SPSS data To make a new SPSS data To transform a file to SPSS data 5-The two main windows in SPSS The data editor The output viewer 6-Other statistical packages
The End