Third PMC meeting University of Priština, Kosovska Mitrovica Siniša ILIĆ – the coordinator Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, 28.09.2016 University of Priština, Kosovska Mitrovica
The list of pending tasks According to the Minutes of 2nd PMC meeting, and email sent 07.09. the key tasks to be fulfilled were: WP1 should finish the activities related to tasks 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 by 30th June 2016 (missing reports from VSB Ostrava & UPM Madrid to d1.1)!!! Promotion of the project to be followed by each institution (material to be sent to the coordinator – d7.3), Specification of the equipment should be delivered to UPKM by 30th June 2016 (Only VISER, HTPSZ & UPKM delivered equipment, needed for validation from EACEA) Prepare to discuss about the list of deliverables sent and commented on the meeting in Madrid
The list of pending tasks The following requirements were sent by email to all partners: (12.09.) WB - The report on survey how students in your institution like idea about introducing new DBBT Master study programme (it is in line with QC&M strategy plan) (12.09.) WB - The minutes of the meeting with partners from business about all topics discussed (deliverable 1.5) (12.09.) WB - The scanned version of protocol with partners from business (If protocol of cooperation is signed or drafted) (deliverable 8.4)
The list of pending tasks The following requirements were sent by email to all partners: (12.09.) the percentage of budget spent (including the costs for the meeting in Madrid) (12.09.) send missing details to WP1 and WP2 in order to prepare appropriate deliverables (12.09.) read drafts of QC&M plan (under WP6) and Guidelines on Project Management and reporting (under WP9) stored on the internal part of the project website (we need to approve them) (12.09) please think how to create numbered indicators to measure how dissemination and sustainability are successful; all ideas are welcome
The complete list of tasks Partners to visit project site more frequently in order to update and monitor content The document progress of deliverables to be discussed The document deliverables - due dates to be discussed in line with realistic project dates The need for publishing of preparation for deliverables schedule (excel document Activities)
Important project documents Detailed explanation of QC&M document (Danijela Zubac) Detailed explanation of Guidelines on Project Management and reporting (Sinisa Ilic)
Obligations of partners to the coordinator According to the PA, chapter 6: (b) For verification of appropriate spending of the funds, the beneficiaries will prepare Financial reports accompanied by complete supporting documentation concerning Staff costs, Travel costs and costs of Stay, Equipment costs (where applicable) and Subcontracting costs (where applicable). The coordinator keeps the right to ask for additional supporting documents, other than those described in the Guidelines for the Use of the Grant. (c) The beneficiaries will submit their reports to the coordinator, as follows: I Partners report – 1st February 2017, including Technical and Financial reports II Partners report – 1st September 2017, including Financial report III Partners report – 1st May 2018, including Financial report IV Partners report – 15th November 2018, including Final technical report and Financial report (with presented level and source of co-financing contribution).
Obligations of partners to the coordinator The instructions for numbering the financial supporting documents (staff costs & individual travel report) were sent by email from 31.08. Also, there was mentioned: For all of your work you should keep deliverables (emails, documents, etc.) that can prove your work. So, please prepare mentioned documents and send us (myself and Milos Subotic) scanned copies of those documents in the following month/two. We will react as soon as we find some potential irregularities and give back a chance to partner to correct it before sending progress report to EACEA.
General obligations of partners According to the article 2.1 Pre-financings (First and Second pre-financing) of GA: A second pre-financing payment of 40% of the maximum amount specified in Article I.3 shall be paid to the coordinator, subject to the following conditions: having used at least 70% of the previous pre-financing instalment paid; the receipt of the "Statement of the costs incurred" and "Request for payment" as specified in Annex VI of the Agreement; the receipt of a progress report on implementation of the action as specified in Annex V of the Agreement.
General obligations of partners In case 70% of the previous pre-financing instalment has not been used half way through the eligibility period, the progress report on the implementation of the action (together with the Statement of the costs actually incurred) should be submitted without the Request for payment of the second pre-financing. However, as soon as the spending level of 70% of the previous pre-financing instalment has effectively been achieved, an updated Statement of the costs incurred (intermediate financial statement) together with the request for payment of the second pre-financing should be submitted. The progress report on the implementation of the action will have to be submitted half way through the eligibility period at the latest 14/04/2017.
Next steps To force communication through web site (wp leaders) To determine the list of tasks with due dates per deliverable for each partner for the next period (including internal control of curricula and external control) To adopt the template for development deliverables from WP3 & WP4 To determine the schedule for completion of tasks for WP3 and WP4 To schedule meeting in Ljubljana for December 2016